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RE: Jongo's Crypto Rants Of The Week

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I am in complete agreement with you on this sir. I am sick of the CT and all the garbage, but it is one of the necessary evils. I am about to dive into Gettr a bit because I see allot of migration over there, but it seems to be the new conservative hub as Twatter has become the liberal side, lol. So I don't know. None of those places give me value like Hive and all the different communities do, so why do I even bother, lol. I like building my list on Hive!


Yeah, all the people that get kicked off traditional social media just go to another one owned by some company...Meanwhile we're building something epic right here on Hive that would solve it all.

Yep but we don’t pay them to shill so they don’t look at us. That’s cool. I like our little circle of people, lol.

Looks likeyou are building some cool stuff. Keep it up. I need to check it out and learn more in the new year about what you are doing! I have more just been following from a distance.