How to get notified when you mine a batch of KOIN

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)


Do you want to be know next time you hit the KOIN lottery and collect some KOIN?

There is a super easy way to do this, just create an account on Etherscan.

Click Sign In

Then click Click to sign up


After you create an account and sign in, click Watch List

Then click Add to add your funding wallet.

You can add multiple funding wallets even those you do not own if you want to watch others mine.

Add in your address and a description if you desire.

I recommend monitoring inbound and outbound transactions and make sure you check the button to enable ERC20 transactions as KOIN is an ERC20 token.

You should see your new address under the watch list and whenever an transaction comes in, you will be notiifed for free! There are a lot of ETH monitoring services and most of them cost a good amount of money, this is a completely free option which works instantly.

Once set up, you will receive messages likes within about a minute of the transaction being confirmed.

Good luck!

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Is Koin mining with normal CPU still possible? I thought it protocol was compromised by a guy managed to mine all the coins with a special device letting "normal" miners no chance to win a race. Sorry for not beeing up to date, but maybe somebody here can bring me back on track.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, you can use any CPU. But it greatly favors larger CPUs, but you can use smaller ones if you set a very low frequency and just wait it out to minimize transaction fees.

One party had a huge CPU farm for cheap money, but they stopped mining (so they claim) once they reached 1% of the supply. Regardless, they are planning to hodl which is pretty big deal imo.

Thank you for your swift answer and for the articel.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good and useful information.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good way to earn passive earnings, thanks for detail.

@tipu curate

Can you tell me how to earn passive income crypto ETH for FREE ?

thanks for detail.

You still going for it? I gave up after the whole GPU thing and the talks about them starting over from scratch. After reading your other comments I might need to start this thing back up. I think I am out of ETH for the transactions though.

Yeah I’m still mining just not as much.

I've got Zerion on my mobile and it notifies me for every contract execution and the amount of KOIN I receive. Nevertheless, thanks for your suggestion too.

How can I mine Koin on my phone. First time I hear of Koin

You can’t.

Thanks, Marky.

@themarkymark @buildawhale Why don't you tell me what's wrong? Why are you flagging my posts?

@themarkymark You have enough power. That does not mean that you will downvote anyone for no reason. At least tell me why are you flagging me?

Tell me please why are you fucking my account ?

Cool! And all available just from the Ether explorer. Your email server must been getting flooded now :)
You have any idea if some free service exist that sends a WhatsApp message, or maybe a smartphone app that used notification center? That'll be even more cool!

You can have it send an email to Pushover and it will send it as a push notification.

Didnt know this service and its dirt cheap, just a 1 time fee of 5$. Noticed at IFTTT some more servces available, maybe doing the same or something similar.

I love Pushover, I use it for a lot of things. Like notifying me when scripts are finished, when a website or server is down (via Uptime Robot sent to Pushover), when my 3D printer is done printing.

You can easily plug it into most anything but it has pretty good support already with services that need to notify you.

I mostly like to have something for my email, too many emails I receive, so didnt set any notifications for the apps and email accounts; need just a few email addresses. I wonder if it can be connected to Facebook, triggering me for selected upcoming events I set (not that so many events are happening anytime soon, but thats just a temporary victory of miss Corona). Have to play around with the native FB notification settings first, but I dont think I can be selective; its either send notifications for reminders or not.

I'll definitely check Pushover out further and get myself the entry subscription! Thanks for the info and help.

Running a server, offering technical information, fighting spammers and scammers, and highly active in the community... posting daily to add value to the chain... Hmmmm doesn’t seem too abusive to me.

Leasing HP to make your account bigger than it is, taking screen shots of websites that aren’t yours and adding a sentence... aka shit!!! Copying info from other sites just to “share the news”. Give me a fricking break, Not to mention in the early days of Steem you preyed on new users to set you as a proxy for witness voting in hopes of leveraging witness votes on your posts. “I got this much SP behind my witness vote because I have a lot of proxy voters” Then the constant referral trash.... I am done and you are a scammer

It'll have to be a better expose than that.

Hard numbers, who sends what to exchanges that has never returned.
The top 50 should prove interesting to most.

If you could reproduce these two reports, that would be most excellent.

'The community' here requires input from authors, not just link drops.
They call it engagement, and it includes reading, and commenting on, the posts of others.

There are other things you could do, but it doesn't appear that you are doing any of those, either.

Powering up and creating your own thing here is an option, too.
At some point, the crowd will turn on any it perceives to be bullies.