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RE: Ask Me Anything - Marky Edition - December 2022

in LeoFinance2 years ago

DeSo (BitClout) is basically a Postgres database. Deso is an extreme nepotism environment. Unless you are in the inner circle who got a ridiculous amount of tokens or showing nudes, you can expect nothing there.


By Postgres database, do you mean it's not a blockchain?

I have no idea what Postgres DB is.

Postgres is a database, and yes not a blockchain. From what I heard it is basically a centralized database. I haven't got too far in into the tech myself. I did use it for a bit and found it a massive good ol' boys club.

The thing is, there is no inflation, so you are basically giving away money every time you try to reward something.

And DeSo got so much VC funding for building this shit. xD

VCs need to reevaluate their priorities.

Thanks for the info and your opinion. Have a great day Marky. Cheers!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And DeSo got so much VC funding for building this shit. xD

You would be surprised what gets funding when good projects can't.
The entire dot com bubble is a good example.