
Power up with more then 250 token

#aliveandthriving #ctp #liotes

great going bro they all stack up

Every #lpud is an opportunity to win some fabulous #leo power delegation


There are 235k $leo in Leo Power Delegations up for grabs

All it takes is 150 leo or more power up on the 15th that is today

Even if you do not win the main delegation prize you can still win one of the bad luck prizes all thanks to the sponsor @onealfa

Heck yeah! Went for the big prize. We shall see how it works out haha.

you never know what you win

oh yeah, went with a little over 8k

Oh wow setting high #lpud standards for sure

go big or go home

LPUD is a perfect opportunity for everyone

absolutely and slowly the leo power grows which is so great

LPUD is a perfect opportunity for everyone

hope lots of people power up