Let's chat Cub DeFi

in LeoFinance3 years ago

As many of you know by now Cub Finance is now up and running :)


I'm sure many of you have already saw it and maybe using it, if not i am going to show you want i have done :)

Starting off with Farming, got to Farm them Cub to then in couple of day's i will put them in the DENS :)

So last night i put 8.846 od CUB-BUSD in the LP
Screenshot 20210310 004124.png

Then this morning after about 12hours i went to check on my CUB farming
Screenshot 20210310 115938.png

This APY is amazing already made 0.820 off 50USD
so from 50 USD in around 12hours i have made almost 6USD happy day's

Will do a update post in couple of days :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta