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RE: How long should i hodl?

Haha if anyone can answer that question for every single situation, that would be awesome! I often take profits too early, or too late (thinking of the huge BTC dip recently) and I didn't find a technique that I feel comfortable with every time. It depends on several things what I decide :) but its crystal clear that those people that can hold on to their coins for several years every time they buy, are those that probably doing best. I hope to be one of them one day, for now I can't see all coins long term yet. :)

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Hahahaha....looks like we're both on the same page, this thing immediately you sell it pumps, when you're thinking of holding for long it starts to dip, like i dont know what todo, maybe am not just part of those that can hodl for long just like you

haha I feel you, I really do! I have learned to have some more patience since CUB but it's still far from where I want to be ;) Maybe one day.. we'll have 100% diamond hands? But when is the take profits time for the diamond hands? :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta