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RE: I stepped on my ego and completely rebuilt my portfolio

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Sometimes it's needed to rebuild the portfolio. I've had some crypto for quite some time which was not moving at all, eventually sold most before it went up (I feel you!). No regrets though because I live and learn, as I also had quite a few lucky moments. The way I look at it now is simple: at least you made this tiny loss now, and not when things are really booming if all goes as predicted. This period is super fun (I have had a kickass start of the year) but also playtime a bit for me to learn more about the markets because I want to be prepared for when things really start booming :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We're just a few months away before that booming time imo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope you're right. Some say months, others say end of the year. I know that I'm super excited to see where crypto in general stands at the end of this year. I believe many people will have a good year when they've invested in crypto..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta