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RE: Advertising via Presearch!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

You caught my attention.. I've been wondering how to spread some of the ref links I have for different platforms in a proper way besides the websites that I'm working on. I thought there must be an easier way, and I think I'm going to test this for a while as I have the feeling this may be a great option. Thanks for sharing this.

May I ask if you paid with crypto? I will use a bit of ETH for this, but not sure how that works? Do they just ask you to send an X amount of ETH to a wallet? I checked earlier and was afraid to confirm as my funds were still moving at the time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Did you sign up now or have you had an account for a bit?

As for the buying of the tokens, I haven’t bought any because I don’t have access to the exchanges that use the token like KuCoin I think, so I have only earned what I have through web searching lol.

The keyword staking is going to be a huge improvement for things where you have lots of referral links and people stake their claim to a particular word or phrase. I like how you can easily see what the going rate is for a stake so you can beat it if you want. I was thinking about beating the Splinterlands one lol.

I wouldn’t be too nervous transferring in some token to buy the PRE, the project has been through a lot and even some theft but they are strong and I believe in the long term success of it.