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RE: Two Coins On My Radar With A High Face Value

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Thanks, I will buy them, just in a few weeks.. keeping an eye on them so I won't be too late as I have no clue how fast they sell ..

Yeah, I bounced back ok as I always do, decided to accept the fact that I currently just need the meds for my back and swapped the timing to earlier afternoon so it doesn't get as bad as it always does around 4/5 PM and then I can be creative with my kid after school for a few hours instead of working on stuff behind my computer.

Seems to work well so far. Now I Hope they finish the return of the treadmill quickly so we can move on to another device (an indoor bike, better for my knees) and then hopefully, in some weeks after starting that, I can ditch the meds again.

I'm glad you're doing better now... keep up the recovery !LUV



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