The Next Era of Crypto - Cosmos & Evmos

in LeoFinance2 years ago


A match made in heaven, Cosmos (ATOM) and Evmos, are paving the way for the next era in blockchain & cryptocurrency tech.

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” ― Martin Luther King, Jr.

Despite the current bear market and global economic climate with Bitcoin (BTC) in an awkward place correlating with other global markets, software evolution is on the rise.

Cosmos, dubbed, “The Internet of Blockchains,” is primed for the next phase of decentralized PoS (Proof of Stake) software integration.

The Cosmos SDK (Software Distribution Kit) is making it possible for anyone to make their own blockchain with customizable modules and built-in governance.

Evmos is “a scalable, high-throughput Proof-of-Stake blockchain that is fully compatible and interoperable with Ethereum. It’s built using the Cosmos SDK which runs on top of Tendermint Core consensus engine.”

The chains have testnet to mainnet test & launch features, and the added attraction of your project's adoption via the IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol) which allows your new blockchain to readily exchange with other pre-established, independent blockchains through a decentralized medium.

Cosmos SDK allows for interoperability, PoS consensus, security features, infinite horizontal scalability, modular capability, and the implementation of Google’s Golang (Go Language) which allows developers to build their blockchain in any programming language - a major advantage.

Evmos implements Web3 and EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatibility, high throughput using Tendermint Core, extremely fast tx (transaction) finality meaning no confirmation times, and horizontal scalability via the IBC.

Evmos accomplishes these feats by not only utilizing Cosmos SDK and Tendermint Core but uses geth (Go Ethereum) as a library “to promote code reuse and improve maintainability,” while producing a Web3 JSON-RPC API for allowing ease of interaction with Ethereum applications and wallets such as MetaMask.

The result is the seamless deployment of Ethereum smart contracts that can interact and exchange with the Cosmos IBC.

It’s easy to see how Cosmos gained the moniker “The Internet of Blockchains,” and I cannot wait to see what the future brings; I personally hold Cosmos (ATOM) as one of the safest bets for investment in this disaster of a market; though waiting for further dips may be wise!

Outdated PoW (Proof of Work) consensus coins such as Bitcoin (BTC) are obsolete in the wake of these additions, although they can still hard fork to PoS like Ethereum has attempted for the better half of a decade.

The opportunity for developers to join the Cosmos universe is now, and in the spirit of interoperability - nothing is off-limits in the cross-chain universe. This was an introduction to the subject, you can expect more content on the subject in the future.

While these software innovations are amazing, I heed caution as anyone can make a blockchain and a currency using these open-source tools, and some choose to go in the way of scamming people. Only invest in projects with complete transparency!

As always, comments & suggestions are highly encouraged.

Stay smart & Stay safe.

-Thomas Wolf

Pronouns: He/Him/His


I am not a certified financial, tax, or legal advisor, analyst, or planner. The above information should not be considered advice but as an opinion intended to share information and ideas for entertainment and independent research purposes. I am not responsible for any losses or damages incurred due to misinterpreting my personal opinions for professional advice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I bought some cosmos a long time back. Do you know where one can check for airdrops? I have the funny feeling I can claim some! ( I didn’t really keep track o. The latest…)

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

That's true one advantage with Cosmos is airdrops of other projects... Crescent for example, it helped me to onboard that platform...there are several projecs that gave airdrops, secret and shade too...

maybe you can check in cosmos twitter and I marked to follow this, but not checked it

Just found this:

not sure how up-to-date it is, but I think it is quite a list. I should really get into this to make sure I get what I can :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bitcoin is not obsolete... and its too having stuff and smart contracts through stacks...but the value of BTC is that of currency and hedge against fiat inflation and its gold 2.0... don't degrade Bitcoin!!

Its pure crypto and always legendary and must have in all portfolio.

After collapse of Terra... can't comment on Cosmos, although its promising and has more than I know GO google you say and all that... we will know in time, its important that project is not boasty and provides value... osmos is very modest, that's why I love it still and I think lot of gems are there exploring the inside projects!