Ask Leo: how can I manage the two stress that comes with cryptocurrency?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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Cryptocurrency is a very good investment but it's also has is own short comings stress is on of the situation that comes with cryptocurrency and as we all know that stress can sometimes be very bad for our health so let's learn how to manage stress when trading or investing into cryptocurrency

what is stress in cryptocurrency

Stress in cryptocurrency means a situation where by an investor is trying to put one or to together to get a best results out of what he or she has invested and this might come in either ways positive or negative
Both positive and negative comes with cryptocurrency investment there are situation that are not encouraging and can cause Damage to our mental health in crypt also there are situation that also keep our moral high and make us smile
This both situations needed to be managed well in other to avoid crypto stress and mental health issues
One of the big issues now is uncertainty of the bearish market situation every investors are keeping an eye on the bear market and checking the chat time to time to see if the bear market will be over soon but no one knows when it will happened doing this could hurt your health so you need to take your time to keep your eye of the chat and think of other things

  • It is always advisable not to invest more than one can afford to loose into crypto by doing so it will help you reduce the stress of cryptocurrency
  • Stop checking your portfolio every now and then
    As we all know that cryptocurrency is volatile in nature which means In the next minute you might experience increase and in the next hour it might be decrease so keeping your eye off your the charts will help you reduce the negative stress
  • Having a good longtime plan
    Don't make decisions without taking your time to think over it don't invest just because your friend are also investing have a plan of your own think of both the long term investment and the short term and understand how they both works this will also save you a tress
  • Having time to sleep also will save you from cryptocurrency stress don't be to greedy have time for your health sleep when it is needed don't deprived your self sleep rest and exercise this will make you stronger and prepare you for the next day
  • Watch out for scammers when trading this will also save you a lot of stress falling into the hands of scammers can also affect investors health because it will be very disastrous to lose your assets into the hands of scammers so take note of falling victim

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And do have a wonderful weekend @tobywalter cares 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💞💕💞💞💞💕💞💞💞💕💞💞💕💕💞💞

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Crypto Currency, its digital money.

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