
Well, HBD is plan B.

Hive Power is Plan A.

Leofinance is sometimes plan C but sometimes plan B

Splinterlands is plan D,

Then there's spinvest and rising star.

The plan is set but we have to continually check in to make sure that things are still working as we hoped.

I will enjoy the 20% while it lasts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, my plans are similar!

I think we wont regret it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes it can be changed at any time. However, from the position we are standing in now, it would be crazy to alter that.

Plus we should get some time locked vaults in the next hard fork (not the upcoming one but the one after that).

If we do that, then we can have a lot of things open to us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Time locked vaults - like even bigger APR for HODling long term?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Depends upon what the witnesses decide. Yes it will have to be larger than just having it in savings. Hard to tell how they would adjust that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta