Modern Day Mental Slavery

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It’s the mindless conformity to the roles we think we must play in life that lead to the destruction of our true selves and towards the inevitability of an asleep society who can’t say no.
Where everyone looks different but thinks the same. That is the modern day slavery. Not aware you are in shackles. Praising them. Seeing them as inevitable. Protecting them.
Where the inmates are their own guards, and build their own prison, infatuated by what they have created, and protecting it at all costs.
This is the mental slavery that has come to exist.

Escape it while you are still able to perceive it.

Next minute before you know it the things that are fundamentally against human life – sustainability, well being, preservation & growth will be perceived by your mind as natural and normal, you will deem it necessity to prosper only via comparing yourself to others, by cheating to win, by lack of compassion and understanding, because, what is there to understand? “This is how it’s always been” you will say.

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.”

Who are you?

Why are you here?

Where do you come from?

Where are you going?

What’s stopping you from doing exactly what you want, and, why is that thing that’s stopping you more important than stopping altogether?

Value your self. You’re the only person that truly matters in your life. No one is going to give you the attention like you will give yourself.

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