Welcome to Tomorrow Preppers

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Tomorrow Preppers was established at the end of 2020 - “the year the world awakened”, or, “stayed asleep” to archive, distribute and spread †InfoPacks† – information Packages – of necessary discoveries, findings and achievements of suppressed, centralised and privatised Technologies, Sciences, Inventions, Therapies, and the like to accomplish the Awareness Realisation of Human (Sentient) Beings goodbye Homo Sapiens and Liberate Humanity from the Idiocracy of Globalisation and its Infertility towards Life and Life Worth Living - towards the Abundance and Harmony gifted by Birth - and towards the Freedom and Happiness of every Human Being.

Your Personality is your Personal Reality. Embodying Responsibility (of your life) shows your Response-Ability. Combine BioElectroMagnetism with Quantum Mechanics & Physics + Psycho Cybernetics and are left with the science of creating reality by thinking and feeling it.

We are living in a time of extreme uncertainty - politically and financially - yet correspondingly in one of extraordinary opportunity. We are experiencing the birth of the Age of Technology, of Information - all right at our fingertips and in seconds. Socially we are more inclined to desire instant gratification, evermore by the generations. The pro's and con's exist always. Whats the point in taking on the victim mentality? Big Tech is enabling us to share our knowledge via the whole world in a matter of moments by the tools they provide. And yes, they also hold the power to be able to decline our request to do so at any moment shall their T&C's be compromised. Hence the alternate path: Goodbye Facebook, Twitter, Google and Apple - and hello AltMedia (FYI will always be posting here), where censorship is obsolete. Many a time has there been attempts by the Powers That Be (PTB) to control us, vindicate themselves, shut us up and give way to their agenda by ridding the critique of their Voice. Our Voices - the most powerful tool we have - that thing the PTB are always scared of, are always doing their best to keep quiet, to sweep under the rug, to silence.

Legends like Assange are ridiculed to show others what will happen forbid they do the same. The global eye of tyranny looks down through the lense of surveillance and captures it all with the all seeing A.I. Doom & Gloom ey? Sort of. To know the path you must travel you must know which one to avoid. There is a plentitude of SaaS dApps* (Software as a Service decentralised Applications) out there hindering the "Surveillance Pandemic" gifting people with tools that do not consent to the MOAL's*: "For Your Safety and Security". My ass. We all know it intrinsically but are distracted by the plethora of "Safety", "Avoiding the Spread", "Terrorism" and "Security". There comes a time when it is blatantly obvious that the way things are now is in complete contradiction of humanity, its needs, wants and desires, following purpose, call, and among all - life - and that, that is when you know something has gone extra-ordinarily wrong sometime somewhere.

It is in times like these that we must realise that we will not be handed the tools to change our way of life by the same people who created this way - we must realise it is solely upon ourselves to free ourselves from ourselves. The psychological warfare we are experiencing right now is unrelentless. It is so deep, we are at the point of being presented with truths and clear facts but are able to deny it at every opportunity JUST to uphold our own worldview and feel in control of our reality that was created without our willing and knowing consent. Social Media. Main Stream Media. Censorship. Fact Checkers. Lawmakers. Politicians. Wars. Debt. Servitude to the State. Blind Faith in the Government. Ignorance to Outside Perspectives. Manipulated Science. Pharma. Tech. Food. War. Money. Every aspect of life has the . gov's warm grip wrapped around it.

So, buckle up? This (P)arty's just getting started!!! Grab some popcorn. And some headphones. Probably a notepad.

*Prosperous Person(al-Re)ality for Mankind's Alignment with Divine Creation. Long Crypto, Energy, and Sustainability. Teaching/Learning Response-Ability.

Failing to Prepare entails preparing to Fail. Hedge yourself. Buy Crypto. Trade it on Leverage (yes look it up). Watch Europa-The Last Battle. Start a Business. Get out of the rat race.*

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Watch Europa-The Last Battle

It looks like it was blocked by youtube, do you have a link that works to watch this? If it's good I will share it with some friends that would like it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It sure was! Bitchute is the alternative, check out LBRY too (crypto too).
This is the website: https://europathelastbattle.wordpress.com/watch

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi @tomorrowpreppers, welcome on Hive/Leofinance.
Better to post only on Leofinance and then just "reblog" (add to your blog), then the post shows up on both frontends, instead having 2 identical posts.
Alternatively you can post only on peakd, and if you use the tag #leofinance it will show up over there as well.

Hey @stayoutofthertz thanks a million. Much appreciated tip!
Regards, Tomorrow Preppers

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the heads up to this new account!

Yes, they should check out your page too...sorry i didnt think to plug you.....i am correcting that now😎

Also...did you/op ever see this and do you have any comments or opinions on it? Might make for some cool videos who knows...if 1%of it is true, thats still fascinating, in my opinion !


Dont really know the source/site just stumbled on it looking up some green energy stuff...not on goog, im sure would never have made the first page

Sounds good! I will check it out. Suppressed tech is the name of the game!

Thank you for sharing! That's a great idea for the future.. have never done anything with video.
I love Biblioteca Pleyades, maybe you have heard of RexResearch, or The-Eye? Myriad of info.
I'll be sure to check it out. Scanned the last part over UFO's and saw Eintein's observation that if gravity was mastered, inertia must have been too. So apparently the way it works is that a vacuum is created around the vehicle therefor the speed no longer makes any difference on the bodies inside. Makes you wonder doesnt it. Currently reading Paul LaViolette's book on Antigravity Propulsion. T. Townsend Brown is totally worth looking in to, and Subquantum Kinetics too.
Cheers!! TP