What is the Matrix?

What really is the matrix? A foolish answer would be to say that it is merely everything we can see, hear, smell, touch and taste. The result of the effect of the senses. Funnily, this is not so far from the truth. A somewhat more developed answer would be to claim that the matrix is the physical reality constructed by man and ‘his’ social constructs. The mark of the human mind, spoken and heard through the mouths and ears of the arts, sciences and humanities. How we have grown to learn to articulate ourselves in the “correct” manner, how to behave. Something largely based on assumptions. Largely agreed upon unwritten social contracts passed down generation to generation, aided by our peers, our families, our colleagues. All unconsciously (think: passively).

Many a people would agree with such a statement - however to those I do not belong.

What bliss ignorance is.

“Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.” - Euripides

The matrix is what you can grasp by understanding it as a modern day slavery system. Take what Andre says, from the movie, Dinner With Andre:

Andre: He said, "I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they've built. They've built their own prison. And so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners, and as a result, they no longer have, having been lobotomised, the capacity to leave the prison they've made or to even see it as a prison." And then he went into his pocket, and he took out a seed for a tree and he said, "This is a pine tree." He put it in my hand and he said, "Escape before it's too late."

The Life Of (the Modern Man): go to school, get a degree, find a job, pay off uni debts, take a loan, buy a car, find a girlfriend, buy a house, have kids, send them to school, go to work, pay off debts, go on holiday once a year to 10 countries in 2 weeks, work till ca. 65, “enjoy” retirement being able to finally do nothing and relax, not be able to relax because your whole life has been you being active and on the go, become bored, confused, and start to ask yourself if this is really what you wanted…. And then teach your kids to do the same and tell them that this way they will be “secure” and “financially stable” and that everyone does it so they should (impression: don’t have a choice) too. Wondering what to do with yourself and being in a state of utter confusion: “But I did exactly what I was told”.

How easy it is to be susceptible to their game of mental slavery. Unconsciously destroying yourself and aiding the orchestrators and writers of history, in their mind consciously aiding towards their wellbeing and livelihood, while really only contributing to their demise, and reinforcing their image and picture of life and what life is, has been, and should be. Projecting this mental picture onto other people aka their children, their children’s friends, their own friends. The environment they live in. Is in a constant state of being updated to the host’s latest software aka mental picture of himself/his environment….”….where the camp is built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they’ve built…”

And then you have the money part. (To gain a simple understanding about the monetary system we currently live in, check out Zeitgeist here and The Crash Course here. For further reading/listening/watching check out the Library Resources page on our website)

It’s funny really, we become so convinced and trusting in the system that we forget we don’t need it, and ignore the truth that we are choosing to participate in it, and tell ourselves that this is life and what life is meant to be. Once you realise what the Federal Reserve entails, especially the knowledge containing its creation, along with the Bretton Woods agreement, and the Taxation system, and how every year the government gives us back some of the money they legally stole from us, and we are happy about it - once you realise this mental asylum that is so deeply engrained into our way of living, how we communicate, what we say, how we act, and think, and how oblivious everyone is to it - then will you realise the imperativeness of stepping away as best you can.

What are you going to do about it?

Prosperous Person(al-Re)ality for Mankind's Alignment with Divine Creation. Long Crypto, Energy, and Sustainability. Teaching/Learning Response-Ability

Failing to Prepare entails preparing to Fail. Hedge yourself. Buy Crypto. Trade it on Leverage (yes look it up). Watch Europa-The Last Battle. Start a Business. Get out of the rat race.

Find us here

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find a job, pay off uni debts, take a loan, buy a car, find a girlfriend, buy a house, have kids, send them to school, go to work, pay off debts,

I did all of that and have the T-shirt too, I'm glad I woke up many years ago and stopped watching TV. Trying to wake everybody else is the challenge.

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What's the t-shirt? It really is... I find a great way to introduce is to share the same things which helped oneself awaken - often documentaries do the trick

Lol, I always say I got the T-shirt when I have been there and done that.

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