
in LeoFinance2 years ago

Since BITCOIN fell below $30,000 almost a couple of months ago, I am buying the same amount in dollars every day, sometimes more, sometimes less, but always the same amount of $, even now that we have started a 15-day trip through the Yucatan, I have left orders to continue buying exactly the same amount of dollars every day, at least I am going to make sure that if BTC sinks, which I see as unlikely, I am going to buy many of the satoshis that remain at my disposal at a discount.

My view today...

Fear and Greed Index continues to rise, and while this doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet, it's a good sign in my opinion. We touched the HISTORICAL LOW last June 22nd, a value of 6 out of 100 (HIPEREXTREME FEAR), from then on we have been going up in an erratic way but I have the impression that we have lost the fear of the ship fact, from what I read on Twitter and other social media, the vast majority would not mind if BTC went below $20,000 at least for a short period of time as this would mean a very good entry of purchase... It just seems that we are beginning to lose our fear but, the market can do exactly the opposite.

If you want my opinion, it doesn't seem likely that we will drop below $20,000 again in the coming days. We are all the market and those who remain are those who maintain their positions and do not sell at these price levels but, instead, accumulate...
I don't know how many new generation retailers created during the last bullish cycle are holding losses today, but there shouldn't be many.
Most of them have had to escape with their tails between their legs and swearing that they will never put a cent in crypto again, which they will end up doing (LoL) but for those who remain at this point in the movie, I think they have already realized that long as they haven't put all their savings into a top-notch shitcoin...

There are still many hurdles to jump, the USA in recession means that Europe is going to be soon if it isn't already, so surely we are still going to see many ups and downs but, make no mistake, if there is any good time to accumulate it is now, maybe better doing DCA than waiting for us to reach $10,000...

The future is for the brave.


*Disclaimer: This is just my personal point of view, please, do your own assessment and act consequently. Neither this post nor myself is responsible for any of your profit/losses obtained as a result of this information.


Doing the same as you! DCAing daily using basically my bank account (just to get exposure to the asset).
I have actually slowed down buying at these levels (by 20%). I have trouble to see why we wouldn’t go lower but I don’t want to miss the long term play!
Might be back to 100% DCAing if we drop between 15-20k

I still have a lot of TETHER to use 😂

Aun en el caso de que cayera mas, que tambien lo dudo al menos mientras no se complete un rebote a la zona 35K - 41K y ya veremos, estos niveles de compra no tengo duda de que el tiempo demostrara que son unos niveles privilegiados.

Ya paso en su dia que decretaron una alerta mundial, el precio cayo de 8.000$ hasta 3.500$ y a alguien a las 4 de la mañana le parecio una buena idea venderme su BTC por 3.850$

Menudo majadero...

I prefer to deal with Bitcoin and silver, especially in light of their low prices, which is a favorable opportunity.

Do you think silver will do well in the future?

my bet is on 10k :)

Grab your Satoshis, there are only 21 Mio. Bitcoin 👍

I think Hive is the best investment at the moment it doesn't go up and down very much.

I'm doing 20% of what you are doing these days. Yes its a good opportunity to buy as much bitcoin as you can. I don't think bitcoin will again fall under $20000

20% of what?

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