HIVE Internal Market not stable for the moment...

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Plenty of HIVE sellers with very little people Buying right now at the Internal Market.
Also the spread, the difference between the start of the sell orders and the buying orders is somehow crazy
Almost 24% difference in between which is absurd if you ask me.


I guess the situation is going to change in short since a few days ago the liquid rewards are being paid in HBD only so, till then, I think that trying to trade in the internal market is not easy at all neither safe.
The best action seems right now to trade externally or to accumulate as much HBD as possible in order to trade it for HIVE in an eventual fall of the price. So, that's what I am doing personally right now.

What are you doing with your HBD?



trading hbd for hive now will not make much return better to wait the price goes down a bit

That's what I think as well

I havent thought about it much. I don't have a lot since my rewards are in HIVE. I guess if the payouts change, I need to look at it.

Posted Using LeoFinance

What do you mean while telling "my rewards are in HIVE"?
Do you mean you set the rewards 100% on HIVE POWER?

Yes, meaning I am not getting a HBD.

I think I have 100 or so HBD,

Posted Using LeoFinance

The price is already falling and binance is to be blamed. On binance HIVE is trading at around 50 cents while on the rest it's valued at 70. CZ and that shithead Justin Sun are playing again probably...

Well that sounds like a big arbitrage opportunity. Or am I wrong?

The spread is good for the arbitrage, yes, but no one is buying!!!

Most probably, yes

I have to agree, I am accumulating HBD for now.

I will probably start to exchange my HBD for HIVE.