I love Fridays...

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yes, it's Friday again and in addition to meaning that the weekend is just around the corner, it also means for me the day that I do my personal HIVE POWER-UP for the week.
I still don't miss a single Friday since, in my opinion, there is no better time to build your HIVE account than to do it during a long and agonizing BEAR Market.
I always try to accumulate more HIVE power this day, apart from what I get from curation or/and authoring, I dedicate part of my "Scalpings" to get more BTC and HIVE.


We are in the accumulation time, you may be frustrated and disillusioned with the established Bear Market, but HIVE is doing much better than the rest IMO, at least is maintaining 0.4 / 0.5$ consistently.
In case it can help you, remember that the future value is assured by what you manage to accumulate in these times of recession, so there is no smarter action than to accumulate as much as possible today to enjoy in the future.
The truth is that if you maintain this vision you will live more peacefully with yourself, also, keep in mind that all the HIVE POWER that you stake is putting to work immediately, even if you are not an active person and spend time reading, creating or curating... my 17100 HP grows naturally at a rate of 1.33 HIVE POWER per day... without doing anything!
Also, if you have some time, you can ensure, with a minimum effort, a 7 to 9% APR from curation, which, in my case, it's between 3 and 4 HIVE POWER per day... in total, about 5 HIVE POWER obtained each day for just very little effort...

Today it may seem like "littleness", we are practically talking about only $2.5 a day or $75 a month given the current price of our token but do not forget the following:

  • Everything you accumulate as HIVE POWER has the ability to perform COMPOUNDING, which means that your profits increase more and more.

  • HIVE has demonstrated the ability to reach $3 in a "healthy" way, although in a more sustainable way at $1.5, with which 5 HP today have the potential of at least $7.5 tomorrow, as I said, at least...

Have a Good weekend!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Excellent way to do it! 💯

I think it's a very encouraging post for a guy like me with actually powered down haha yes I will return the decision and cancel the transaction.