The straw that breaks the camel's back

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I thought that Justin had strayed a bit from the crypto world lately, dedicating himself to other more lucrative tasks, but it seems not...



I just read an announcement that, although it has not surprised me at all coming from who it comes from, has caused me to suddenly break out in a cold sweat.
Our good friend Justin wants to launch his own Stable Coin mimicking what TERRA does with his UST.


He is a genius, don't you think?
Minimum effort, maximum scam...

In addition, emphasis must be placed on the last paragraph of the announcement:

I believe that the TRON-based USDD will be one of the strongest cornerstones for the fifth freedom of humanity. USDD will be TRON DAO's most significant contribution to the world's financial freedom after the introduction of TRC-20 USDT. Let us work together towards more freedom for all the seven billion people worldwide and towards a better tomorrow.

We must give a new applause to this person who, without his own ideas, continues to copy the inventions of others to extort and manipulate the entire crypto world at will...


P.s: Please, someone put a stop to it before it's too late! :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yea its laughable

Yeah, the problem isn’t even him, it’s the people who see reasons to invest in his projects.

A decentralized algorithmic stable coin that is built untop of a highly centralized chain,heh, look where you leap people, can’t shout this enough

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, the problem isn’t even him, it’s the people who see reasons to invest in his projects.

Ain't they all just a bunch parasites bent on misleading and sucking from the crypto community?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let us work together towards more freedom for all the seven billion people worldwide and towards a better tomorrow.

That statement makes me sick! where was the freedom when he tried buying us on Steem?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh! Justin Justin... lol!

bitconeeeeeeect :)))) awesome post my man, almost missed it

Por alguna razón esto me pareció gracioso... es la idea ¿No? Jajajaja, buen post.



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