Blue checks have divided Twitter into the haves and the have nots

in LeoFinancelast year

Twitters billionaires CEO Elon Musk announced that “Verified accounts are now prioritised”, The tweet appears to indicate that accounts with blue checks will now feature more prominently in users’ Twitter feeds — and thus likely gain more followers and engagement than those without one since he is bent on making profit anyway her can.

Musk’s program — in which people who pay as much as $8 per month to be rewarded with a blue check next to their name on Twitter is controversial among twitter users.

The blue check previously indicated that Twitter had independently verified a users’ identity and that the user had some experience or authority in their field or profession. But Under Elon Musk’s new plan, anyone can buy one. In addition,Elon appears to have given out some blue checks for free to celebrity accounts or handles with large follower even if they did not want it, and removed the ticker from politicians, government institutions and brand promoter citing they should pay thier monthly subscription dues for a blue sticker.

So, how does this rearrange Twitter? Put simply, there are now two classes of people: those with blue checks and those without,
And it appears that many of the most-followed accounts have received a blue check while some of the smaller accounts with less follows, but often equally interesting, voices on Twitter are checkless. Twitter might see a bias toward blue-check voices from now, in other words twitter is no becoming like steemit back in the days of bidbots where the highest bidder gets the highest upvote but in these case those with blue stickers gets more followers.

A poll was took at random sampling of well-followed accounts to see who got the blue carpet treatment and who is now standing outside the velvet rope. It was discovered that those with blue tickes tends to get more engagement on thier tweets more than those without one, the the number of follower on account with blue ticker keeps increasing while that other is on steady decline.

Blue checks on Crypto Twitter
CZ — founder of Binance, prolific tweeter, and target of U.S.-based anti-crypto enforcement actions.

Inclusion I will like to invite everyone who feels they deserve better to try out threads on leofinance as is one of the rising and fsstesd

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Noted will improve from my next post