Glimpse Before The Last.

in LeoFinancelast month
Recently, I remembered a late close friend of my parents. It hadn't occurred to me that I'll write about it someday soon.

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If you're a fantasy book lover, then I am sure you should have come across some of these novels that portray the character of a grim reaper. If you haven't come across such a book, I recommend you read “Belle Adam’s Butler by Ash_ knight17.

So these close friend of my parents, my dad especially, died a very painful death. I could recall the periods my mom always kept in touch with the wife of their late friend at the time when he was still hospitalized.

The very day of his death, his wife told us the last words of her husband. In her words,
“He was at peace that morning,
he even ate and interacted with everyone around. Suddenly, he started smiling and then said he could see the light..
There was no more pain, it's time…
…..he wants to go through the light”

That was it, and came his death😪

Hearing the cry of the wife kept so much imagination in my head and just when I think of it sometimes, I feel more certain that a dying man has a glimpse of where he's going before he draws on his last breaths.

Even though I wasn't present when he died, imagining how the situation might have looked like or what he actually saw, especially with the description of “seeing the light” gave me goosebumps.

May his soul and the souls of all the departed continually find peace, Amen. However, the book “Bella Adam’s Butler and this story of my dad's late friend almost brought me to the conclusion that grim reapers do exist and in my opinion, they're the ghosts that many others claim exist.

Also, I think about how those mortuary attendants do it, seeing and cleaning corpses everyday.
Honestly, no amount of pay can make me do that line of work, I already told myself those sets of individuals are higher humans because mann….
And from what i heard, they do knock on the room door of corpses before entry and that alone signifies something.

I felt sick from seeing just the corpse of my late grandma, dealing with spirits. This life has proven a billion times complex that all we do is imagine and no one really knows how the afterlife feels out there.

On my own, I've imagined the afterlife being a world of its own where you'll find a proper market, people getting married and living life just as if they were actually alive.

Ah, i need to stop here, it's already night at my ends and am sure you understand where am driving at🙂
In conclusion, until we die, before we might have a deeper understanding on what the world really is, it has been so from the beginning and would continually be till our last breaths😪
I pray God grant us a long and fulfilled life, Amen.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Until we go there we can only imagine what afterlife is like.


Yes, that's true.

Lol! It's already night so you dare not continue with the story😂
Sounds like, you won't be able to watch horror movies 😏

At all😩😩.. Let's not even bring that horror movie topic out sef


Chills. You are not alone. I often wonder about the afterlife too. This can't be the end.

Just the other day we had this discussion about mutuary attendants not being ordinary people. Who knows what they see and hear?

Lol... Those flocks are something else.

The fact remains, the world operates far beyond what we imagine it to be.

Don't think about it too hard. I think we think of the afterlife the closer to death we are or are involved in. I have never really thought about it, is there anything really there?

Oh right!😂 😂
I can't tell if there's something really there because have never been there myself.
But i would take your advice by not thinking too much about it.