Investments I'm Glad To Be Holding …

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone,

This week have been a nice week for my portfolio. BTC over 60k, Ethereum over 2k, Hive is steady hovering around 60-70c mark, have you ever looked back on some of the investments you have and glad you still have them and not sold them off. There have been a few that I am glad I’m still holding and have eventually paid off. HODL really fits my post today! I’m not a great investor, I just go by ‘feeling’ when I first started in crypto so most of what I bought really was not via research. Apart from BTC and ETH which I do hold a small amount, the below are the ones I am pretty happy to still be holding and getting some nice gains.

First one has to be Litecoin. I bought it back when I first started looking at crypto in 2017 following some YouTube video when the price was under $50. I didn’t buy much, spent like $200 as that was all I had at the time on my card and got it on one of the Australian exchanges. Lady luck was on my side and 2018 came along where everything was spiking. I sold off at the peak over $300 (whoop!) and Hubby thought I did pretty good considering I am not good with money. Normally I buy a stock and it drops so much I will pretty much loose 60% of its value so making some money was a change in his mind. I decided to re-buy Litecoin when it was around $50 with some fo the money I made (yes that $50 mark seemed to be my favourite) and held since then. This week, I finally saw it over $200 which makes me think can it go back up to $300 or more? Hindsight, should have trusted my gut and got a bit more but I’m not 100% confident so just bought back with part of my profit, but still a nice feeling!

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Rune was one I saw on the LEO discord. I only saw the chats when Rune already hit $2 but I was a chicken (I did say I’m not good with money) so I was reading a bit of it and by the time was semi confident with team/work, it was $3. Thinking it was too expensive, I left it. Over a conversation with my Hubby, I found out he actually got some himself when it was lowish but not a lot to make a huge difference. At that time, the price was already $6. Sighhhhh what if I bought back at $3 when I was semi confidence, would have doubled my money. This time I didn’t leave it at that, I put Rune on my watch list and watched over it like a hawk and once it hit $4 something, I bought in with what I had left on Binance which wasn’t much considering I used most of my funds on CUBs already. Check the price over the weekend, it went as high as $12 which I’m happy about. Glad I didn’t sell at $8 which I would normally do when I doubled my money but this time, I’m proud to keep holding.

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Lastly, my Splinterlands cards is something I’m very proud of. I haven’t sold many cards since I started playing and seeing the cards continue to rise and hold its value is pretty amazing. I love the fact that mining/land function is coming soon later this year and from playing other online games that requires mining, I am hoping Splinterland can move to the next level when that feature gets released. I’ve got many cards I’m glad I still hold but this one in particular I ALWAYS check if I can get a good deal - Hydra. One of the earliest Legendary cards I received when neutral splinter came out. Back when it all started, it was around $10, being me as usual, I was hoping for it to come down in price so I can get more to level up it never dropped in price. I was talking to a friend who also plays Splinterland maybe I should sell it when it reaches $25 as I would make a nice amount for a card and invest it back to something else.

The idea was shot down after being reminded it's discontinued and will be pretty scarce later on so decided to hold it. Glad I did as now it is well over $30, something that I didn’t foresee grow so quickly. I have to keep reminding myself don’t look at the prices of the Splinterland cards as it is pretty tempting to sell some and buy more but I know I will regret it later if I did end up selling them.

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animation by @catwomanteresa

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All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


NIce post... Unfortunately I didn't invest in Thor chain, I like Litecoin too, and I also play Splinterlands.

Its ok i'm sure you will find another one just like Thor!


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I too hold LITE COIN which was bought when it was $200, but I have not sold it and it is still there in my wallet, so now the price is $260 and will be touching $300 soon enough.

yeppp $200 still great gains for you .... never under-estimate little amounts, it could change to some small fortunes later


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This is One of my Favorite Steemmonsters @travelgirl .......... I Like When He tramples and Hydra can do that too as you Know................


Gosh soooo jealous!! Great card!


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I bought $VET on the advice of some fellow Hivers and it's up about 1500%! I want to sell it before this current bull market is over. When that is is the question, though... ;)

wow 1500%!! thats massive!!! don't be greedy sometimes, the stress is not worth it haha


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