Losing My Job and Embracing A New Adventure

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Last Friday, I joined the ranks of the unemployed after being let go from my management job of nearly 7 years. While the news didn’t come as a complete surprise, it still caught me off guard. I had been considering leaving voluntarily, but my employer decided to terminate me first, citing an email I sent about looking for new work as grounds for dismissal for my "lack of commitment".

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Unemployment is never fun, but the US does provide some safety nets to ease the transition. I may be eligible for unemployment benefits which will provide some income while I search for a new position. I also started cutting unnecessary expenses like subscriptions and dining out to reduce costs. My wife still has her job, so we aren’t in dire straits, but losing an income requires adjusting our lifestyle accordingly.

On Monday morning, I went back to my old office to clean out my remaining belongings. As an unemployed person now, I have the flexibility to handle these personal errands during normal business hours. While the circumstances aren’t ideal, losing a job does open up one’s schedule significantly.

My next steps will involve revamping my resume, researching open positions, and tapping into my professional network for leads. AI writing assistants like Claude, Chat GPT, and Mem will also come in handy for crafting customized application materials quickly. I plan to cast a wide net with both corporate and temp agency roles to maximize my options.

While I enjoyed aspects of my previous position, I’m hesitant to return to the same high stress management environment long-term. I often came home fried with no energy left for hobbies or family time. I want to find a healthier work-life balance, even if it means a pay cut.

Working odd jobs with a flexible schedule has a certain appeal right now. I could pick up gigs as needed through a temp agency without the burdens of a permanent full-time job. When I want time off, I simply don’t accept any assignments for a while. It would allow me to work purely on my own terms.

Driving for a rideshare service is another avenue I’m considering. I would be self-employed and could work as little or as much as I want. The income potential is lower, but so are the responsibilities. It’s a classic tradeoff - more money and career growth versus more personal freedom and less stress.

In the past, I’ve noticed my creativity and productivity is higher when I’m not working a traditional job. I do more for my family, get involved with local organizations, write more, and am generally happier. A lower salary seems a small price to pay for reclaiming that freedom and inspiration.

For now, I’m viewing this transition as an opportunity to reinvent my career and life priorities. Perhaps I’ll find a management job that doesn’t require 24/7 availability or burnout. Or maybe I’ll embrace the uncertainty of gig work. Either way, change often brings unexpected blessings, and I’m excited to see where this new adventure leads. The world is opening up with possibilities, and I plan to approach them with an open mind and heart.

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a time comes in life when you have to choose between more money or control. I wish you the best.

Amen to that. Thanks for the well wishes.

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I remember when my husband got laid off from one of his jobs. We knew it was going to happen, but we didn't know when. He came home and told me (his mother was visting to see our month old fourth child). While it was still a shock, I was happy! He travelled too much and some of the new management made it very difficult to enjoy working there anymore.

At that time I convinced him that he could become self-employed. He didn't do well that first year, but then it picked up. Eventually he got a very good exclusive contract that only required him to work two weeks a month (for more than what he got paid working full time).

While it was difficult that first year (I was a homemaker homeschooling our four children), we did have savings to help. While we did cut expenses, we never were in need.

Regarding driving for Uber or Lyft, my daughter drove for Lyft for a while. She enjoyed it, but there wasn't much income at the end of the day. It all depends on how well you get tipped. Some days she did great, some days she didn't. She thinks it depends on the area you are in. When she would travel, she was allowed to drive in the area she was visiting and found out that some areas have great tippers!

Indeed. There are good days and not so good days in rideshare. I did that for a while on nights and weekends.

What motivates me is to be able to be around for my family. I can't NOT work. However, I think we can manage with less income if we are more frugal.

I am a bit worried about finding work. But it's nothing compared to the anxiety my old job was causing.