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RE: Save me, please...

When I have been between jobs, I have fallen back on doing IT work. The advantage I have over other technicians is hustle. I'll go out and knock on doors offering my services. Other techs sit around waiting for the phone to ring. I am able to earn money in a shorter amount of time until I land my next job. Often, customers simply aren't motivated to call find a service provider. But, if one shows up at their door, they often have a few items that need fixing while you're there.

Personal finance and hustle should be taught.

Posted Using LeoFinance


I am able to earn money in a shorter amount of time until I land my next job.

I see this like recovery time - some get back into exercise much faster than others and with training, there is very little lag. I am not sure if there is a steroid for attitude yet though - maybe cocaine? :D

Hunger to win is a motivator as well. If you wait long enough, plain hunger will motivate you.