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RE: DAOs Are Going To Really Drive Governments Nuts

Perhaps the biggest challenge is similar to what Hive DAO is experiencing. Without some government recognition, the exchanges are reluctant to list Hive. Thus far, in Texas, I only know of Blocktrades and Hive Engine as on and off-ramps available to me without having to get creative. Similarly, governments can have exchanges not list your coin. That doesn't kill it. But, it hampers growth.

I wish there were some DeFi option that pairs up Hive or HBD like HE does.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It will come in time.

SpkNetwork is going to provide options to that once it is fully built out. It will be a wider ranging H-E.

For now we are limited but that is the nature of the beast. A lot of infrastructure still required.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta