Unemployment Update - Registering With Agencies

in LeoFinance11 months ago (edited)

I spent some of the day laying groundwork for my job hunt. For most people, it typically involves registering with WorkinTexas.com and using the resource to apply for jobs. I go an extra step by registering with temporary employment agencies. This way I am able to work here and there until a good job comes along. The emphasis is on stopping the financial bleeding.

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I started the day by working on my LinkedIn profile. It needs some work, so I took some time to clean up my profile and rework my work history. After that, I headed over to Workforce Solutions, which is an agency that the State of Texas contracts to help people find work. When you file for unemployment benefits from Texas Workforce Commission, they require you to sign up with Workforce Solutions within three days to be eligible to receive benefits. Then you need to demonstrate that you are looking for work to remain eligible to receive benefits.

I don't expect that I will qualify to receive unemployment benefits as my termination memo is worded to put the blame on me. I can appeal and such to drag it out. It's procedural in the way a good attorney is obligated to file motions to dismiss and such even if it is unlikely the judge would grant the motion. You have to go through the motions. However, on the odd chance that I do get approved for benefits, I need to avoid disqualifying myself.

Another thing to keep in mind is that this is Texas in the middle of summer. Temperatures are over 100F. I'm riding around on a 150 cc scooter. As long as I'm in motion, the hot air dries off my sweat. But it doesn't help with hydration. Riding around can wear you out in this weather. So I came home after my first agency to take a nap and hydrate.

After my nap, I drove over to the next town to register at a temp agency. I have worked with them in the past. They once got me a job with General Electric Aviation and with Cinch Connectivity. These were factory jobs. I enjoyed those jobs as I was able to listen to audiobooks while working by doing the jobs nobody wanted, the repetitive, boring ones. I learned so much.

I had planned to visit a third agency, except that there were website issues that delayed my registration with the second one. I have to go back tomorrow morning to finish getting set up. From there, I'll go to the third agency, for which I've also worked in the past. They're better at one or two day jobs. That's what I like about them. When you're new and a temp, very little is expected of you. This is great in that I make a clean break at the end of the day. I may never see those people again. If I impress them, they'll become regulars, calling for me when they have another gig. But if I'm busy or not up to it, I can turn them down.

Temp work turns the tables on the employee/employer relationship so long as I do good by the temp agency. It's casual employment. It may be intense for a day or two. Afterwards everybody goes their own ways. No strings attached.

Unfortunately, temp work is also poorly paid. But I think things tend to balance in a strange way. For example, if you don't go to work one day, you save on fuel for your commute and on lunch. And I could also blog on days that I don't work. I can have a side hustle like food deliveries. This way, I can earn some extra income on the days that I don't have temp work. It's a flexible option that allows me to make money while still having the freedom to pursue other opportunities. Plus, it gives me a chance to explore the local food scene and discover new restaurants in the area. Overall, it's a great way to supplement my income and make the most of my time during this job hunt.

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