Fartdrop is Complete - Merry Christmas!

in LeoFinance2 years ago


Ok the fartdrop from my last post is complete. Everyone that left a comment has received 55 farts!

@onealfa received 1,000 because I hear he likes to be a whale in everything he participates. Just be careful friend, you don't want to hold that much gas for too long, something bad might happen!

If you haven't received your fart please let me know in the comments below. I sent everything manually so there is a good chance I forgot some of you!

Also my apologies for not responding to all comments! I am not snob, it's just that it's Christmas and I prefer to spend my time with my family.

Merry Christmas friends and a happy new $fart 😍

P.S: the first to comment something funny will get 1,000 farts for free!

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That bear looks like he's about to fart. I want his...😀. Make it an NFT please.

fuck it, i send ya 2000. Now you are a bigger whale than @onealfa

Is that even possible?
@onealfa might not be the biggest whale on Hive, but it sure does a better job at using his stake. From what I noticed his curation is entirely organic.

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first comment, you are officially a fart whale

I'll trade you some PAY for some FARTs.

No need. I ll send some for free!


I never once thought there'd be a need to say, "Thanks for making me 55 farts richer."

Merry Christmas to you and your family. And thank you for such a wonderful gift.

You are most welcome. Merry Christmas to you ! Is it snowy there yet? I bet it is!

It's full on ice age!

Your farts are taking over my entire hive-Engine wallet. I hope the big image is a reflection of the token price. Cheers and Happy Christmas. I'm going to Hodl my fart and hope I can stake it to make it more succulent.

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Yeah, that bug is awesome 😂😂


I am dead looking at that obnoxious logo, I have no idea what I did wrong butt I'm gonna leave it until they start taking us seriously lmfao !!!

Don't change it, lmao 😂

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 86 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

I haven't gotten a FART as well,

I can see it in your wallet ! Scroll all the way down!

No need here! I have my own farts.

Ok will send some!

I haven’t checked but I am farting 🤣

Walking 🚶‍♂️ does that…

Hi ,, what is that's fart ?? 😳

It's the new BTC but better. I'll send ya some later today

Thanks so much @trumpman , I got mine too

Thanks !
I'm full of gas now. 🙂

Merry Christmas fren!

Merry Christmas to u,I really appreciate the airdrop u sent to me wish u and it family more to celebrate

Merry Christmas to you buddy!

I guess I am not farting enough to have FART coin

I'll send some later!

I can see the beautiful flower in the Tv how did u do it

It's plastic! From a shop

Since the time my fart as drop have been farting... I think i need more fart

Here ! 💨💨💨💨

Merry Christmas Trumpman!

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Merry Christmas friend ! 😍

thanks for the farts.
Let us, Fart Fart away....

Merry Christmas 😍💨😂😍💨

Merry Christmas 🎅

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A💨💨💨😍😍😍😍😎 thanks friend! Same to you , love ya 😍

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Thank God I'm not a Fart Whale. Whale farts must really stink after all.

Thanks fren!

Merry Xmas!


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Hey @lordneroo, here is a little bit of BEER from @trumpman for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Merry Christmas ⛄🎄

Cheers for the tokens, could you have made the thumbnail any bigger? (Look at hive engine lmao)

Sundays are always a little sad
but the day before is a sadder day.

@trumpman, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @pompeylad
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)

I don’t know if I’ve ever intentionally wanted to get a fart but I guess a fart from trump would be pretty awesome!

PS did you see a reality TV star is making thousands by selling her farts in a jar? Lol my wife sent it to me. New business plan!

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So I am supposed to say thanks for the Fart😂🙆
Crypto is fucking weird!

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Fartty Xmas to everyone :)


Thanks for the farts. Here is an on-repeat 1 hour long appreciation song dedicated to you


Thanks for the farts and enjoy some !PIZZA

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Hey @jfang003, here is a little bit of BEER from @trumpman for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@cooperclub(12/12) tipped @trumpman (x1)
alexvan tipped trumpman (x1)
jfang003 tipped trumpman (x1)

Join us in Discord!

You made all my wishes come true- my wallet now really stinks! And I kinda like it. I need more!




Merry Christmas


Thought I would wait and let others comment first as who wants to be the biggest FART on Hive. Merry Christmas and have a good one.

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Merry Christmas fren!

You too Trumpman and thanks for helping make this place more enjoyable.

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This thing has just blown up my hive-engine view:


Thank you for that.

!PIZZA & !BEER for more $FART :D

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I'm doing it right? How should I fart on you?

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No commands yet!

Looking for my fart. Cannot find it. My wife is thankful for this.

Will send some later today!

I heard that there is a special formula that has been used to develop these farts. 70% beans and 30% Onion.

tear gas

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And 110 % love!

Looks like I got 110 farts. Can't wait to let em fly!

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Good Lord Sir, Are you even aware your farts have broken the formatting of Hive Engine?


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Blame @epic-fail it's his coin !😂🍆🤑💨

thanks for all the stench lmao !PIZZA

If you like i can create you a series of Fart Nft's :D
Mary Xmas Greek Boss

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contact @epic-fail , he is the $fart king!