Silver Gold Stackers Engagement Initiative #13 - To Dump Or Not To Dump ?

in LeoFinance3 months ago


What's up plebs?

It's been a while since I participated in one of those weekly silver engagement posts by @thisismylife. Feel free to visit her profile or click here to learn more about them.

Moving on, this week's question is in the thumbnail of the post. Here's the question one more time, just in case you are blind 🦯 and reading this on braille or something:

Are you buying more silver and or gold in the dips and / or selling some when the price pumps.. or do you prefer to hold on to your stack until it's needed as an emergency fund (for example)

Since I started stacking about three years ago I didn't pay much attention to price pumps or dumps. As I have said in the past, my main reason for stacking silver is to leave something precious and fun to my descendants, much like those before me did for me. That and to be prepared for a zombie/ whatever doomsday scenario in which precious metals may come in handy if our digital world collapses. I guess that counts as an emergency fund? 😄

So, the short answer is no. Depending on my budget I just make sure to buy some, usually in the form of now defunct standard circulation coins, at the end of each month. I am a cheap fuck and don't care much about designs or whatever, just going for as close to spot as I can. On average I'd say in the range of 50-100$ on a monthly basis. But there have been a few months that I have spent way more... And in some months, way less... But I have never missed a month :)

Now don't get me wrong. But in case silver for whatever reason hits the moon (e.g. 200$ per oz) I won't mind selling some to get me something super fancy, although I don't see that happening anytime soon so I'll probably keep hoarding till the day I die of old age. 😄

Like @saffisara commented though on the original post,I have gifted a lot of silver in the past 3 years. I'd estimate over 30 oz possibly close 50. It just makes a great and original gift!

I guess indirectly that counts as selling :)

Ok, I think i covered the topic more than enough. Once again, feel free to click here for the original post. Share your story and with a bit of luck you may even win an hbi!

Stack on plebs!

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I averaged about $16 an ounce for most of my silver. Now that it's at $28 ounce, I've thought about selling a couple bars. My silver is more of an emergency "store of value". Unless it gets really overbought and looks like it's going to correct hard, I'm just going to HODL. I may sell a few bars though, if it looks like the price will correct.

Oh that's a nice profit already if you were to sell.. Feel free to check my weekly engagement initiative as it's nice to read other people's stories and share thoughts/tips etc..

I'm a complete newbie and I've already learned so much from a lot of people in the silver stackers community here on Hive..


Thanks I'll check that out!


Great, see you there and it's nice to see you around in the community as well.


Hey @thisismylife, here is a little bit of BEER from @the-bitcoin-dood for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Nice entry friend! Post your silver on #silvergoldstackers we a fun bunch!

Thanks, just made my first post there this week.

Hahaha, yes now I remember. The cute silver 😍

LMAO, Yup that's the post 🤣 That totally cracked me up too. They are though, cute little silver bars :)

For me, it's part of the will.


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Pretty much the same here!

I think at crazy moon numbers like $200 many of us would start selling the stuff we aren't attached to. That would be wild, $200 silver!

Make it 1000$ and I am definitely dumping all my bag 😂

@trumpman! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (21/50)

I've sold some to members of #silvergoldstackers and some in the form of raffles, but I mainly just buy, regardless of the price.


Happy to be one of your buyers :)


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You more of a collector I would say so this would apply to you !BBH

A collector of shitcoins

You still the shit tho !BBH !LOL !hiqvote

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I wish you were a little patient.

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@trumpman! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (13/50)

Not a stacker. Don't buy either, at this point. Sometime in the late 80s I panicked and bought some inexpensive gold 'estate' jewelry on ebay. (Was it gold? Who knows?) That's about it.

I read our blog regularly 😄and agree heartily that one day we may all be bartering. Would be nice to have something to barter with when that day comes :)) Otherwise, everything I own is legacy, as you say, to leave to the kids.

You can always check your gold. If its real it has appreciated quite a lot since! Maybe buy something fancy ^_^

I don't ever plan on selling. If it's ever worth anything, someday my kids will find out :) As for checking: It hasn't turned color😄.

As with any meticulously well planned financial budget ...shit happens.

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It's a good way to look at things. I don't have an physical silver but if I were to get anything, it would be a emergency fund. It really depends on your own financial situation though and I think taking profits is never a bad decision.


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@thisismylife(1/5) tipped @the-bitcoin-dood

Thank you sir for joining again, I missed you there!

It makes sense and it's great if you can find things close to spot, I yet have to find these here, as I would like to collect some pure for the silver as well in the future..

Thanks for sharing !LUV !PIMP

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