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RE: The main excuse for malicious down-voting is "Over-Rewarded Content..." What about the account making $10k+ PER DAY in spam comments?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I am quite aware of that, however, the people reading my exchanges with others is who I am looking to convince of the merits of my arguments(not the particular person I am arguing with).


....this is my reasoning to, with mostly all the comments I make....

And by the way, I got confirmation from v4vapid that Deepdives is a go for Jan 2022.

@regenette why are you downvoting me? I see you are friendly towards lucylin, so am I...And also sympathetic with his issues and have upvoted him many times.

@lucylin any idea why hes dving me?

lololol...she downvoted me to ! can't fix stupid...I'll let it sink in one day, and stop being such an optimist ! lolol

HEADLINES : Man supports free speech , and against down voting - even on account they disagree with.

The account being supported - downvotes !

....this is what happens when your IQ score, matches your age....