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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @sally-saver | Year 3 | Week 43 - Saturday 28 October 2023 | Win EDS for Comments

in LeoFinance β€’ 7 months ago

My 74th Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update: Only One Weekly Goal Reached, but Stellar Gains Regardless!


18.6 HIVE Powered Up for November 1st #HPUD

Hiya savers! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

So this part week, even though I only reached one weekly goal, was still a really great week or growth. Because of receiving 60% payout from last week's #SaturdaySavers Club #TopAuthors poll post, I got another excellent boost to HP (just not quite as much as expected), as well as a fantastic boost to HBD in Savings (receiving quite a bit more than expected). With the HBD I received, I surpassed my year-end goal of HBD in Savings, which is glorious! Because of that, I'll update my Saturday Savers Club chart to 500 HBD in Savings. I also powered UP 18.6 HIVE for #HPUD, and I did my #HPUD post about it. I voted in this week's #SaturdaySavers Club #TopAuthors poll!

On to another fantastic week of building, growing, and saving on our glorious Blockchain! Onward and upward, together! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™