LEO Voting not working, nor is my Hive Wallet...

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I was waiting since I read about updates, and the H-E Hack takes a lot of time too, but I am UNABLE to VOTE on Leo (I have over 1000 LP powered up) and all I get is a 100% vote listed as NaN and I suppose that means "null" or Zero.

I even did updates on my end (os on the laptop) and nothing changed. Any direction will be appreciated and Rewarded!


5uscommemorativegoldcoinsbuproofdelivered 2.jpg

this is not the reward 😜

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh what pretty gold coins!
Upvoting you Undyhun.
Seems to me the Voting is working for me at the moment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are still a few glitches in the matrix, it is likely due to the node used to retrieve information. Right now I am on the api.hive.blog node using peakd and no issues retrieving so far. Peakd uses a dual node type system if my understanding is correct. The node you assign to peakd gets the information, the node you assign to hivekeychain or hivesigner is the node that is used to put things on the net. So for a NaN error I would think it is the node used to retrieve information.

NaN means Not a Number

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Strange, It's been working fine for me all morning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta