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RE: Trump Tokens - Will he get re elected ? Yes are No? Put your money were your mouth is!!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Very well written post, Humorous and appears to be totally neutral to boot! To riff off of @taskmaster4450le's thoughts, I was thinking that if one side is totally in the bag, one could go opposite and maybe have a big payday.

But furthermore, predictions saying Biden is ahead are even more suspect than the ones that said Killary would win in '16... Because all the non-political polling of what I believe will be this year's "issues" favors Trump. HEAVILY. Defining oneself and the issues will be what wins this year.

PLUS, vote fraud is really the only thing that made it look "CLOSE" for Killary, I went to bed early that night knowing Trump had it in the bag and he also had a MILLION VOTE LEAD. He still won, but the dims pulled about 4 million outta their asses by the time all the dust settled, WEEKS LATER.
This also has to stop, giving them weeks to manufacture votes. But it was all in states 'she won' anyway, so it did nothing to sway the electoral college.

Posted Using LeoFinance


When i google it, it looks as if Biden is winning. You know me, I personally don't care who's running are who wins. The plan is already in place and the president is a pawn.

Future posts will contain a little humour to keep it light but also to show I'm not 100% serious/clued up about this.

As far as 1 token outselling the other, smart traders will see this and beable to lock in profits off platform. Think about it

"goog-iots" also had BREXIT losing badly...
But catch this, Google and Facebook analytics BOTH had Trump WINNING prior to the 2016 official election. Those measure web sentiment and NO ONE liked Hillary. They don't rely on slanted polls that over sample hardcore Dims in the major cities. Of course Biden is 'leading', but as we all know, no one is excited about him being the nominee. That factor helps a lot.