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RE: Investopedia's Top 10 Most Important Cryptocurrencies in Review:

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Great write-up, excellent analysis, I see that our Parallel Lives are still pretty much parallel! haha
We have very similar likes and dislikes, to this day. I like LTC but as a top 10? NOPE.
It's a good, fast money mover but that is all it does. I don't see it as a major investment. Then again, I think this article (by Investopedia) was written as a "general guide" and MAYBE in that sense, LTC makes more sense. But as a top investment, NO.
That being said, I should HODL more of it LOL

My original crypto-mentor "STAN" (not a Larimer, my Stan is much smarter than the L-Bois) likes BCH now for the long term. He was a big ETH guy, but the switch to 2.0 moved him off that one. At least his focus moved, if not all his money. He's still the #5 REDDCOIN Hodler last I was aware. So he's a millionaire, but those are a dime a dozen in Crypto. 🤣

Just another Guy, like me and you!

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