How can i remove Liquidity from cubfinance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Today I add more Liquidity to a farm. How to unstake from a farm is easy. But how can I get the Tokens back for example CUB-BUSD LP.

In the documentation I found nothing, so I think its a part of basic defi skills I don't have :)

I ask but at some point, I want for sure to remove some Liquidity and I need then to know how to do it :).

Some can someone explain it to me as I'm 3 years old? I think others can be maybe interested in it too. Or is there already a guide for it? :)

My strategy is at the moment compound the returns. Let's see where it ends:).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Trade -> Liquidity -> Remove liquidity. Your liquidity will change to tokens back.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Once you unstake your LP tokens from the farm you will see them under trade>liquidity with an option to remove liquidity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

right on!👊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta