Understanding LEO Stake Based Curation: LPUD Reflections

in LeoFinancelast month

KEY FACT: Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) is not just a Hive blockchain staking event on the 15th day of the month, there is an underlying sustainable effect of participation in LPUD. That's what this reflection covers.

Edited. Source: @Leo-curation

Another LPUD is Here

Hive users are gradually getting to understand a recurring crypto power-up event on this blockchain scheduled for the 15th day of the month. This event is the Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) which is designed to bring awareness of the importance of staking of $LEO crypto. The members of the Hive blockchain each take the opportunity to move liquid coins and convert them to Leo Power.

Holding $LEO in stake gives the hive user the power to distribute $LEO tokens from the reward pool to content creators who post through the INLEO frontend and use the #inleo tag. for instance my stake of 18,600 LEO (that is 18,600 Leo power) affords me to distribute $0.25 worth of $LEO tokens to content creators I upvote their posts.


That means if I upvote 10 posts (long-form) or threads (microblogs) a day, I would be distributing $2.5 to those contents and I'll earn $1.25 as my reward. This is just the basic result of staking LEO tokens. But is beyond that. however, buying 18.6k LEO today may cost a fortune, I have gradually grown that stake over three years without worries. Reaching this milestone has been as a result of judiciously maximizing several LPUD events to add to my LEO stake. There are months I stake 50 $LEO on LPUD and at other times I could stake 2k. It has compounded over time - my staking and other related rewards.


Our Leo Power has created a categorization for Leo token stakeholders. It isn't just some tokens staked in your wallets. The Leo team has distinctively defined Six (6) roles for LEO token stakeholders. We have the Kitten, Newborn Cub, Cub, Lion, leader of the pack, and Apex Lion with Leo Power of at least 1k, 2k, 5k, 15k, 50k, and 150k respectively. These roles are boldly written on a user's profile when you hover the mouse over a username on INLEO frontend. Maybe you just check it out now.

What's Your Pride Rank?

If you just did, you would have known your Pride Rank. mine is the Lion category. That's a lot but that's quite small too as I am aiming for the Leader of the Pack role soon.


knowing your pride Rank is important as it will tell you what you stand to gain in the Leo ecosystem. These gains are progressive. I mean they keep adding each day, week, and month. Before now, it was just the curation rewards, but today, a lot more bonuses have been added, such as Leoads revenue returns, @Leo.voter delegation returns, and more that are coming. We hope to see NFT possibilities soon with these roles. One less-known benefit of knowing your price rank is to be able to benefit from the Leo Stake-based curation initiative.

What is LEO Stake-based Curation?

Leo stake based curation is one of the curation initiatives for Hive users who publish their contents through the INLEO frontend. This curation initiative gives a user a right to get a curation assessment and possible curation if they meet other important criteria. Leo Power gives them a direct line to the Stake based Curation process. Note, It is a process. There is no guarantee.

Perhaps you have been seeing a thread such as this and you do not know how to maximize it, let's get you informed.


Know How the Stake-Based curation works

Every day, two times a day (morning and night EST), @leo-curation will post a Thread using the tag #leocuration asking for worthy post submissions from the Lions. In this Thread, anyone with at least 1,000 Leo Power can submit a post for curation assessment by the team.

Note that the post submitted should not be older than 12 hours and it must be completely ORIGINAL CONTENT.

Each user has a maximum number of posts to be submitted depending on the Pride rank. When the post links are submitted, the Leo curation team will check their lists and see how many posts the Lion has submitted. If the Lion already is yet to reach the limit established by their role, their post will be voted. It would be ignored if the limit has been reached.

The amount of posts per month that a LEO stakeholder can submit depends on their Pride Rank. See the table below:


More Criteria

  • The content must be original
  • The content must be posted on the INLEO front end. Money-related topics could be posted on the LeoFinance community.

Note that there are scores allocated to the quality of the post and that determines the % of upvote to be received.

  • Correctly Sourced if applicable - 2 points
  • Original style and writing quality - 2 points
  • At least 750 words long - 2 points
  • Use Leo Glossary - 1 point
  • Publication optimized for search engines (SEO) - 1 point
  • Include a few sourced images - AI is allowed - 1 point
  • Original topic - 1 point
  • Bonus: The author can share that post on Twitter and get extra points

Here's the Big news:

CHEAT CODE Leaders of the Pack and Apex Lions can submit other Lion's posts, and there's no limit to the amount of posts they can submit for curation. That's probably one of the biggest perks of having one of the two highest ranks in the pride. These Lions have the chance to opt-in into being Leo curators just by having a massive amount of Leo Power.

The above cheat code should inspire you to grow in your Pride rank. You can make that happen by powering up at least 50 or 150 LEO today. You will earn a Hivebuzz badge for doing so within the next 12 hours.


just powered up 169.105 LEO. I'm glad I did and it's bringing me closer to the 20k LEO power milestone. Every bit of LEO staked adds value to my journey of monetizing my social media imprints.

Now You Know

LPUD is not just an event for $LEO rewards, it positions you for future streams of wealth and opens doors to more opportunities in the ever-expanding Leoverse. Drop a question in the comments section for more clarity.

Happy May LPUD!!!

If you found the article interesting or helpful, please hit the upvote button, and share for visibility to other hive friends to see. More importantly, drop a comment below. Thank you!

This post was created via INLEO, What is INLEO?

INLEO's mission is to build a sustainable creator economy that is centered around digital ownership, tokenization, and communities. It's Built on Hive, with linkages to BSC, ETH, and Polygon blockchains. The flagship application: Inleo.io allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the Hive blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Let's Connect

Hive: inleo.io/profile/uyobong/blog

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Uyobong3

Discord: uyobong#5966

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is truly a motivating guide for anyone interested in leveraging their LEO stake for long-term benefits. Big congratulations to you on your achievements over the years. Today, I will be staking 180 $LEO tokens as a way to prove my trust in the project. Happy LPUD!

180 $LEO staked is decent. Keep growing, the future is bright!

I will do just that. Thank you for sharing

Happy LPUD! If I am not mistaken everyone can also delegate HP to leo.voter and earn rewards from delegation, right?

Anyway, I'm saving your post such a helpful blog!

Yes. Definitely.

Well, that's what I am planning to do right now!

Excellently written. Brilliantly finished. Staking Leo should be everyone's aspiration.

This is a very useful and important publication ! Inleo is a social network with great potential.

This post has been manually curated by @alokkumar121 from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @alokkumar121 by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Thank you for the mention @uyobong ❤️

BTW, your support for our previous proposal has been much appreciated but it expired!
May we ask you to renew your support for our new proposal (https://peakd.com/me/proposals/248)?
Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you!