What solutions does your Blockchain offer? - Let's count Eight (8) on Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Been a part of the Hive blockchain from January 2018 and it's been full of lessons and solutions over the past Four years. For me, the selling point of any product should be the solutions it offers or the problems it attempts to solve or actually solve. In this post, I attempt to outline about Eight problems that Hive helps to solve. They are:

  • Hive as a bank helps to save our money
  • Hive as a journal to help us document our daily experiences and inspirations
  • Hive as Socialmedia where we connect with friends world over
  • Hive as a leisure where we play games
  • Hive as a marker where we sell our products (real and digital, NFTs)
  • Hive as a school where we learn from other users and in contests
  • Hive as a Hackathon where we explore our creativity
  • Hive as a boredom therapist

1. Hive as a bank helps to save our money

For everyone who wants to know where he can keep his money and at least preserve its value, then, we can recommend Hive. With Hive Dollars (HBD), one can convert his fiat and have it saved for as long as he wills and may even earn interest if saved.


We can say that Hive is a bank for everyone and gives free unhindered access, coupled with the transparency of transactions that occur here.

2. Hive as a journal to help us document our daily experiences and inspirations

One of the beautiful features of the Hive blockchain that is underrated is that it can serve as a personal journal. Beyond the fact that we can earn from our contents, there is power in being able to track your growth and development through journalling. The CTP community has severally invented projects that helped users to keep a track of activities over a period of time.


Actifit dapp helps one top track his health goals and growth and it's amazing how tangible results can be achieved each time we looked back to see how well we've grown.

3. Hive as Socialmedia where we connect with friends world over

We meet friends daily on Hive. It is very interesting to see that I have followed 1149 users and followed by 1322 users. What great web of friendship across the countries of the world. Amazing to meet creative people here on Hive who have inspired me in several ways here on Hive.


A user can continue to build these virtual relationships which can metamorphose into something huge and tangible. Some users have met and great projects have emerge from their collaboration. Check out @Jongolson, @blainjones, @Achim03, @Ph and the awesome creations from the CTP community. Many collaborations here have birthed brilliant developments

4. Hive as a leisure where we play games

SPlinterlands, Rabona and a host of other Hive games has become a source of relishing our day while we earn some bucks. On daily basis there are more game creations. Thanks to the 1UP community that has added value to the gaming niche here on Hive and the soon coming ChiFiBots.


On daily basis, new play2earn games are created on Hive and being a player can help trigger adrenaline and cortisol production which is important for a happy and healthy living. The fun we draw from these games are worth more than the earnings from them.

5. Hive as a marker where we sell our products (real and digital, NFTs)

Have you heard of @Hivelist community and the Hivelist store where you can buy real and digital products here on Hive? There's a recent update that you can buy a car from Hivelist and pay with Hive or other cryptocurrencies.


Several users have sold their clothing merchs, art and more. We have several NFT markets here on Hive which helps to give value to several tokens here on the blockchain. Interesting that our HIVE currency can actually be valued in a tangible product through the product sales outlets that abound here.

6. Hive as a school where we learn from other users and in contests

Learning had been one of the selling attributes that brought me to Hive. I found a place I was exposed to knowledge about virtually everything. It meant more to me because I prefer self-help learning. Thus, where related resources are given out free means much to me.


I was totally ignorant of what blockchain technology and cryptocurrency meant until I joined Hive. STEM, Sports, culture, art are some of the trending content categories on Hive blockchain. We learn and learn more everyday.

Beautiful is the fact that we even earn while learning. @LeoFinance's LeoPedia is metamorphosing into a structured crypto encyclopedia. I trust that someday some communities would would build up their archives to provide a structured body of knowledge to intending learners.

7. Hive as a Hackathon where we explore our creativity

Creativity thrives here on Hive. The level to which we have unique creations here with varied usecases but utilizing the Hive infrastructure is something awesome. With over 300 dapps running and more in the BUIDL stage, Hive can only be called a home of creativity. The #art, #design, #music tags are full of creative creations here on Hive. You never get exhausted with abundance of creativity on Hive.

8. Hive as a boredom therapist

Life may throw hard blows at-times and it looks like depression crawls near. Hive blockchain is full of fun activities and engagement that would keep you hear for hours and you forget your pain.

Sincerely, Hive is much more than just a cryptocurrency. It's beyond a technology. It's actually a conglomerate of solutions for life's problems and challenges. The above are just a few from my perspective out of the much that abound here. There is sufficient space for everyone.

Join Hive Here and start a new work!


What is Hive?

Hive is an innovative and forward-looking decentralized blockchain and ecosystem, designed to scale with widespread adoption of the currency and platforms in mind. By combining the lightning-fast processing times and fee-less transactions, Hive is positioned to become one of the leading Web3 blockchains used by people around the world. source

What is Hive-Engine?

Hive-Engine is a smart contract platform on top of the Hive blockchain. It allows communities and businesses to build their own tokens, which are then built on top of the technology provided by Hive. This is the ultimate layer 2 solution. The token created on Hive-Engine is then immediately tradable with Hive on their exchange.

About me...

I am a called teacher, a serial entrepreneur and a Graduate of Agricultural Engineering. Nigeria is my root and a place full of opportunities. I dropped out of a Master's Degree program due to funds, yet I do not regret growing the courage to start my business from the scratch. Today, I've built layers of Businesses on the Hive blockchain in terms of Curation and it's a sustainable passive way of earning crypto while learning.

I am your favourite Hive Tribes Promoter and Curapreneur!
I am @Uyobong.
Let's connect on Twitter

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


With hive you can stop using almost all other social medias, I believe that in the future hive will be for social media and blogging what YouTube is for videos right now.


Thanks very much for the curation.

I believe that in the future hive will be for social media and blogging

I think Hive is here already and even outperforming YouTube in terms of incentivising contents.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt! The return for your time and effort here is immensurable better than on the mainstream sites. People spend years creating content there without seeing a single penny

SPK Network in late Q4 2022 ! Normally 😅

Thank you for the shout out sir!

This is very educative and informative. Hive is actually many things to different people, but to me hive is all encompassing. I love this hive.

Thanks for sharing

It's indeed a great place to be. We create our success and prosperity here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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