How we can fairly reward content creation that is better for the Hive Ecosystem

in LeoFinance6 months ago

Hello Guys,
As you all know Hive's content is curated through a reward pool system. Basically the rest of the community does this with their valuable upvotes. However, before giving an upvote it is necessary to verify that the content is eligible for rewards. In this post I will mainly highlight 3 points.

  • What is Reward Pool
  • Where does the Reward pool come from
  • My Opinion about how we can fairly reward a content.

What is Reward Pool?

Every day, a fixed amount of HIVE tokens are allocated to the network reward fund, commonly called the "reward pool." These get distributed to authors and curators for posting and voting on content. Up to 50% of a post's payout is awarded to curators (the people who upvoted the post) as a reward for discovering the content. The other 50% is awarded to the author. If curators vote for a post within the first 5 minutes of it being created, a portion of their curation reward remains in the rewards pool for other authors/curators. This portion is linear to the age of the post between 0 and 5 minutes. As an example: upvoting at two minutes will donate 60% of your potential curation reward back to the rewards pool.
~ Answer collected from HIVE FAQ

That means, by upvoting, not only the author is benefited but also the upvoter himself can enjoy its benefits. As a result, curators are encouraged to upvote more and content creators are inspired to produce more quality content on the Hive Ecosystem.

Where does the Reward pool come from?

Blockchains like Hive and Bitcoin produce new tokens each time a block is produced. Unlike Bitcoin, where all of the new coins go to the block producers (called miners), the Hive blockchain allocates a majority of the new tokens to a reward fund called the "rewards pool". The rewards pool gives users tokens for participating in the platform based on the value they add.
~ Answer collected from Hive FAQ

65% of generated $HIVE tokens go into the reward pool that is split between authors and curators. According to a statistic, the inflation rate set as a result of the Hive Hard Fork organized in 2016 can generate Hive tokens for the next 20 years and complete the reward pool automatically.

How should we fairly reward a content?

Since Hive is a DeFi platform, more and more content is needed to grow the community. That means we need some very skilled and active authors. Community need to curate their posts to inspire them. In this case, the quality of a content and the effort of the author should be verified before curation. It is possible to encourage them to create posts by engaging them through upvotes as well as comments. But many times it is seen that many people do not get the support of the community despite making very good posts. We should identify such content creators and give them proper status. Besides, those who are able to create posts with their own creativity can be kept active in the community with proper guidelines.

This was my full opinion. I may not have been able to clear my whole opinion to you. Finally, the Hive ecosystem is built primarily through the interaction of authors and curators. So we should move our community forward through mutual cooperation.

Free Images from Unsplash. All the content is mine unless otherwise noted.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Very informative piece, been confused on what the reward pool is all about. this article clearly explains it all.

Thanks for stopping by