The values and devalues of the modern and olden family days

in LeoFinance19 days ago

Hello everyone, how are you doing,
Welcome to my blog;
My name is Vablesza, I'm so excited to be part of this topic.


Family day, Modern Families.

Family day is one of the best moments that bring people together and allow everyone in the family terrain to share in the joy and pain of everyone.

Therefore, family is a Union of people who blood related or not necessarily blood related, but have intimate relationships. It is the pillar of every society.

Without the family, people cannot have a complete season of what would have made up the society. Either interpersonal, intrapersonal relationship.

This people value their position and perspectives, common goals, and aspirations have a targeted way of maintaining the standard.

One thing that make difference between the old family and new modern family would be look into as we read on this topic. However, modern family is one major topic area that I will talk about, modern family, what civilization or cultural and habitual different has brought on board as the new normal way of family methods of living together.

I would not look at the modern family as one that may seem to look like it could be abstract.
Rather, we all as humans exist in the realm we all wish, and how we choose to build our family foundation.
But of a truth modern family is quite unique, may have their conceptions, believe, which to some certain extent, many lack some factors. Such as:

Interpersonal relationship: Many families, today, would be said that either they are not getting the point right or something could be wrong. Today, I really exact the fact that modern interaction many be lacking that strong concepts of oneness.

For example, let me start with the little aspects,

Children communication and family love:
I came to understand that Gen-z family is rooted in the 21st century, attributes, even the parents, our also in the way that normal life is just what not paying too attention to details.

So such as how the family, especially children, communicate. The things that the children and the family wants, and time looking out for the happenings in the family.
The gamut is that some Gen-z family, does not even know that their children and families relationships is declining.
Family is all about love and communication most importantly, but that communication attributes and care is not really in the modern family. Such as staying together, sharing good times and funds is very difficult in the modern families.

Share duties:
In the modern family, that sense of home shared responsibility is not really in active, as it used to be, children responsible, such as home chores and family shared responsibilities is not longer there.

Everything has been modernized, maybe it could be said to be over modernized, in the sense that, modern families really do not consider, their children really in some ways that demotic shared responsibility is important.

Where everything is done by a manpower higher hands, for the demotic chores, thou it really may be what is a new normal, since the modern family can afford it.

But in other sense, it reduces the chances of that family building a strong demotic working attributes in the life of the modern-day children and families.

Moral values:

In some Modern home, parents do not pay attention to the life-style of their children, thereby, not taking responsibility of their children.
Some parents are even busier than used to be, possibly because of the economy constraints, but economy can be exclusive.

Even though we may be, I may say in some ways that the modern family has it own way of bring children to exposure.
But over exposure, could also be one reason why I may feel that the modern day, families our not getting the family agenda settings right.

For instance: When I was a child, there is always this sense of responsibility, that we can't stay late at home. Not that we were all good, though, but that disciplined consciousness was embedded in us.

But today, a child can stay away from home, important family gatherings, morning prayers, family meetings without any vital reasons to do why he/she has done so, and it would be just fine it okay.

All these are building blocks for the growth of a child.



The olden family had a way and lifestyle they operated, this is not to imply that the context is conservative, but truly speaking some family today does not show any moral supports that hold water-value like those days.

For example, interpersonal relationship:

Most families, then, came together, stayed together, shared one feeling, and build values around them, that created a positive impression about the parents and the children at large such as:

Having annual family meeting:

Looking out for one another through the close door family meeting, even though technology was not advanced in the nature it is today. Families pay visit annually, during festive period, to one another.

Introduced their children to extended families:
Where the children get to know other family members. In fact, the case of blood related coincidental marital families were not there even if we were to be, not as what we have it today.

I still would say that family day and Modern families, is really contradictory. That is because going by what we have as families interpersonal, moral, value, and love for one another it doesn't bring home that perspective of what families oneness is all about.

So the olden families to some extent had shown stewardship in the areas of love, togetherness, good communications and moral supports to one another in what use to be the real family day, than what we have today.

Thank you for patiently reading through.

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