
Menace was the first beat I ever released to the public. As well as trying to figure out how to start marketing it

#valorbeats #music

After that was the release of "Gold" a more upbeat style of trap beat.

#valorbeats #music

Next is a workout style beat as I started to work towards a little targeted marketing and get a feel for it all. "Power" is geared to pump you up and make you push out one more rep

#valorbeats #music

This is when I started to explore more niche style beats and created "Frontier" a track I felt was worthy of a movie title.

#valorbeats #music

From Frontier a movie style track I got into dance and created a beat around that called "Tonight"

#valorbeats #music

"Silther" was an experiment maybe gone wrong lol With music I like to try and push and create new and theme it some how. This one is a little off the walls

#valorbeats #music

"Emblem" is a track that roots deep with corruption in the gold market. I started to create beats beats based on things going on in the world.

#valorbeats #beats

"Godwin" was just released today and I have to say is one of my favorite that just has good vibes all around it. It's the first time I incorporated a electric guitar heavily.

#valorbeats #music

A terrific use of threads. Great one.

I thought I was the only one that thought that way, lol. #threads is getting really funny and fun.

"I'm Going" My first beat to include vocals on it. All of my other beats up to this point were pure instrumental but I wanted to explore adding in vocals to the mix to bring the beats to life.

#valorbeats #music

I believe that music has the power to change our mood. That's why I created Believe to instill positive emotions and empower others.

#valorbeats #music

My second attempt to include vocals came in the shape of "Talk About It"

#valorbeats #music

Another one of those movie style beats that many tell me it sounds like. "Control" was released when we saw a lot of drama unfolding online dealing with controlling populations by governments.

#valorbeats #music

Cool use of threads :)

I created Wildflowers in spring. That warm air hitting you for the first time after a long winter just seems to bring everything to life and a new feeling flows over you.

#valorbeats #music

Gains was another beat I produced geared to workouts and motivating others to push out a little more to build those gains!

#valorbeats #music