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RE: Reward Pool Town Hall

in LeoFinance6 months ago

"AI's can make good admins."

That isn't at all apparent from the commercially available products on the market today. Even content creation attempted of late, a far cry from business management, or administering Hive, has been so ham-fisted that Sports Illustrated has been embarrassed into deleting the AI authors it has been using to provide content.

Maybe with a great deal of development and careful separation of financial metrics from societal, such administration could be crafted with FOSS AI, but it isn't available today. The whole point of decentralization is that people aren't subjects, aren't chattel to be compelled to compliance with the whims of management. DV's are nominal to dispel spam, scams, and plagiarism, if our deployment yet suffers excesses of censorship by an oligarchy too self aggrandizing to loose governance and enable Hive to deploy better metrics of value than money.

Better an oligarchy than overlords. I vastly prefer mere flagging and some financial deprivation than literal banning and the censorship being as complete on the platform as double tapping to the back of the head IRL.