
Do other social media platforms retain people any better? It's probably hard to calculate fully, because when people leave places like Facebook they often also close their account, so it won't just sit there like it would here.

My intense interest in this issue peaked when onboarding did, some years ago, but the information I gathered at that time was our user retention was abysmal compared to other platforms. Given our current userbase, it is impossible that isn't true, as we have retained a fraction of 1% of folks that signed up and gave Hive a shot.

I think the long keys are a big put off for many. There must be a lot of dead accounts on here where the owners didn't save their keys properly first time around and started another. I know three currently active people who did that. 😆

I guess we also aren't really that similar to Facebook, despite the many comparisons I used to see when I first started here. It's improved on the usability side a heck of a lot, but still not as user friendly as the social media platforms people are used to.