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RE: Ready To Give Up

in LeoFinance6 months ago


  • Lose weight: I don't need to do that. In 1968, when I was 19 years old, my weight was 68 kg. This morning, at age 74, it is 73 kg. (My wife thinks that I should gain weight, but I don't)
  • Spend time with family: I am doing that, here in Canada, in France, and Hungary with my wife's family.
  • Eat healthier: Being vegan and not eating junk foods and ultra-processed foods is good enough.
  • Learn something new: I am reading every day physical books and interesting web pages (including your posts).
  • Quit smoking: I did that on April 1st 1979.
  • Reduce spending on living expenses: I don't need to do that. I don't have a boat, a private plane, or a Lambo.
  • Get more sleep: I sleep reasonably well, around seven hours every night.
  • Reduce stress: I am OK here, I don't stress a lot.
  • Save more money: Too late.
  • Drink less: I don't drink a lot. When I am at home, one beer or one glass of wine per day, and I often forget to drink. When in company, a little more, but still reasonable.
    I discovered when I was 18 that I could not handle a lot of alcohol, so I decided then to never get drunk.
  • Enjoy life to the fullest: What does that mean exactly?
  • Read more: I think I read enough (see Learn something new).
  • Travel more: We travel enough: to Europe every year for 6 months. Yes, there are places where I would like to go, but I am OK if I don't go there.

So, in the list, I have skipped:

  • Get organized: I have tried to do that for 50 years and I have never succeeded. My desk is a disaster. I have given up on this.
  • Exercise more: Exercise for me would be walking 8,000 steps every day, but I hate to walk alone, and my wife is not always ready to accompany me. This is the thing I would like to improve: exercise.

Enjoy life to the fullest: What does that mean exactly?

I have no idea. I think a lot of the resolutions people make like this are thoughtless or of the type that they know they don't have a definition for, so they can keep changing the rules.

I quit smoking around the same age you were when you quit, though when you quit I was 21 days old ;)

Get organized: I have tried to do that for 50 years and I have never succeeded. My desk is a disaster. I have given up on this.

This actually surprises me! However, a messy desk isn't a bad thing for creativity :)

Exercise for me would be walking 8,000 steps every day, but I hate to walk alone, and my wife is not always ready to accompany me.

My wife is a bit flaky with exercise, but since the stroke, I don't have any motivation and really need someone to come with me regularly for me to maintain it. If she skips a week, I quickly devolve. If she skips a day or two, it is fine. I also believe that exercising together strengthens relationships. A walk is time to spend just being in the company of someone we care about.