
That is the wrong thinking in my view.

With cryptocurrency, there are going to be those who take advantage of it and those who do not. Even though there is tremendous opportunity, we are going to see those who are left behind simply because they do not adapt.

We see it with Hive right now. This offers a huge opportunity for people. How many are taking advantage by even posting some comments to earn a few rewards?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is an opportunity for all but, to me, a big one for poor people to gain some wealth.

Only if they get involved and commit to excelling.

How many are willing to do that?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Activity on Hive picks up when markets are hot, then activity on Hive drops when markets go cold. I don't know why this is, but that's been the tendency.

It's during the times markets go cold when we should be more active on Hive. There's HIVE tokens waiting to be collected, and only the Hivers who are active at this time can earn that HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is true because people can be short sighted, and some do not know and understand the cyclic nature of cryptocurrency, byut it's cyclic nature and seeming demise on linear charts, hids the steady longterm growth revealed on logrhythmic charts. The big picture of steady longterm growth is hidden by the short term nature of linear charts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your point is well taken. Cryptocurrency is an equal opportunity employer for the rich and poor, young and old. It invites all who dare to look for something different, and boldly go where they have not gone before.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The beauty of cryptocurrency and a system like Hive and Leofinance is that it will help the motivated, the doers, those who look beyond the current system of giving away their time and attention for free and seek out a whole new world, where time and attention pay dividends.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta