Bitcoin 2022 Miami: The true cost of inflation ⚡ Not energy consumption, but inflation is the problem of the fiat system. Amazing talk by Saifedean Ammous.

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Die wahren Kosten von Inflation, Bitcoin Miami-Vortrag von Saifedean Ammous, Autor von "The Bitcoin Standard".

Nicht die Energie ist das Hauptproblem des Fiat-Geldsystems, sondern die versteckten Kosten der Inflation, die permanente Expansion der Geldmenge, um damit alles Mögliche wie zum Beispiel Corona-Subventionen, Krieg und Bürokratie zu finanzieren.

Inflation kann auch zu Instabilität und Verzerrung der wirtschaftlichen Wahrnehmung / Fehlallokationen führen. Investments, die eigentlich nicht profitabel sind, schauen besser aus, als sie es sind, da sie zwar nominell steigen, aber real an Wert verlieren.

Kriege würden unter einem harten Währungssystem schwerer zu finanzieren sein, das Ausmaß der Zerstörung geringer.

Inflation wirkt wie eine heimliche Steuer, Anleger profitieren, normale Bürger verlieren Wohlstand und Kaufkraft.

Großartiger Vortrag, was denkt ihr?

"The rich can protect themselves by buying hard assets which benefit from inflation."


Is Fiat Money Worth it? by Saifedean Ammous, author of "The Bitcoin Standard"

Video credit: Bitcoin Magazine


The true cost of inflation, Bitcoin Miami talk by Saifedean Ammous, author of "The Bitcoin Standard".

Energy is not the main problem of the fiat system, but the hidden cost of inflation, the permanent expansion of the money supply to finance all sorts of things such as corona subsidies, war and bureaucracy.

Inflation can also lead to instability and distortion of economic perceptions / misallocations. Investments that are not actually profitable look better than they are because they increase in nominal value but decrease in real value.

Wars would be harder to finance under a hard currency system, the scale of destruction and death would be less.

Inflation acts like a stealth tax, investors profit, ordinary citizens lose wealth and purchasing power.

Amazing talk, what do you think?

Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯

xx Viki @vikisecrets



LG Michael


Super Vortrag! Ich hätte mir Mark Moss im Marathon Desk gewünscht, da er weiß wie man Besonderheiten hervorhebt.

Inflation wirkt wie eine heimliche Steuer, Anleger profitieren, normale Bürger verlieren Wohlstand und Kaufkraft.

Meine Rede!! 😇 Der Meiniung bin ich auch!!

Danke für diese Beiträge und ich shicke dir noch den !pishio vorbei! 😅

People will face a problem related to high prices of raw materials in addition to the deterioration of jobs sector

This is interesting. So nice of you for this, and to understand the history of money !

Sehr gute Rede 👍

I think the biggest issue is that most normal people need funds right away. So even if the little guy is invested, they have to pull out money when times are tough. The rich don't care and they can just let it sit there so they tend to make off more from the assets going up in price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Great talk! :)

He said inflation is 14% on average, but it seems like 40% this year!! :O

This would reduce opportunities for foreign investment, and inflation problem would force citizens to move away from savings and stop business

Most countries are facing inflation now a days

Speak the essence

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