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RE: LEO, HIVE, KOIN // The Frustation is real

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Price development for Ethereum, Hive and other alts is currently very painful, but agree that we need way better marketing and investor relations/features that attract investors.


Stakeholders need to pull the trigger on spending proposal funding for promotion. Either pay a team of pros or pay someone to run it from the community with credentials. Second option would end badly.
And thats really not the only thing you need

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We have an idea for a proposal along the lines of marketing externally and onboarding thousands of accounts through and our LeoInfra integrations (currently Metamask and Twitter signups will be integrated in ~2 weeks).

It will be our first proposal and before we launch, we need to ensure that:

  1. LeoInfra/LeoFinance have a seamless onboarding experience for a wide array of users (Metamask and Twitter account holders)
  2. We have a track record of successful user signups with our current marketing (based around Twitter/YouTube/Medium/Facebook and a few other strategies)
  3. We can pack a tangible punch for the # of daily active users on Hive (since every user on LeoFinance is thus a user of Hive and potential investor/user of the broader ecosystem as we deepen their knowledge of the chain on
  4. We can track these signups and report them regularly to the Hive community. Ensuring that our proposal is actually worth funding

Hope this helps your despair about the HIVE price! We can't help a falling market price, but I do think LeoFinance has a real shot at actually bringing the crypto masses to our UI (and Hive).

Posted Using LeoFinance

Id say thats a good course of action. What id recommend is for you to wait a bit more before making the move.
The central kabal needs to sink a bit into despair and garner more ire from the community while you guys need to prove yourself a bit more. There was the Justine fuck up, then there was the Netouso fuck up, there will be more.

Its all a game of convincing 5-6 people that you can deliver. If you get them to sponsor you (i assume you can guess who they are) youll get it funded. If you go on your own without playing politics youre making a big bet on the community being so loud and creating so much pressure that they buckle.

I would not make that bet, yet.
Right now, everyones still repeating the "decentralization" mantra, a few months from now the community will look for people to blame.
Thats when you swoop in.