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RE: Why PayPal Will Not Succeed In Crypto Space!

in LeoFinance9 months ago

Interesting conclusion, but wasn't PayPal also a bit not so keen on crypto, so to put it? For example, for issuing receipts, some crypto-related terms are not allowed there (or were not allowed in the past at least, I don't know what's the situation anymore). Do you happen to know more about this? All the best and plenty of success here on HIVE!


No, I don't remember PayPal making any anti-crypto statements or actions.
I wouldn't be surprised though.

That's why I got to experience in terms of a guest post for example which contained cryptocurrency-based keywords. I later found out that I couldn't send the receipt via PayPal to one of my former clients because PayPal was not so keen about those keywords and wouldn't let me send the receipt because of the keywords inserted in the description. But perhaps things have changed now... All the best and plenty of success here on HIVE!