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RE: Hive And A Post Labor World

in LeoFinance9 months ago

Hmm, quite possibly, I see your point, but at least not all of the time, very much fortunately I should add. Technology is merely a tool and should not become an addiction. But sometimes it becomes so, unfortunately. I remain hopeful about your last sentence, hoping that we will drift away from it becoming a widespread addiction as soon as possible. All the best!


It is a tool but it become the focal point. I believe as it blends more into our surroundings, then it will become what you state. Look at electricity...that is only a focal point when it is not working. Outside of that, we dont notice it.

Same with wifi...we simply use it without noticing it.

Much of the developments we are seeing will do the same.

And Bluetooth while we are at it. My main concern is that people shouldn't always take what ChatGPT mentions for granted but rather do their own research and then act informed based on the newly information acquired. That's why man's intelligence should prevail over a tool and, consequently, man should not become a slave to its tools or devices. Hence why I am apprehensive and skeptical with respect to the rise of ChatGPT. It can be very useful if it were more developed and used for good, but it will never replace genuine human intelligence, not before my eyes at least. It will remain a tool, hopefully a more useful one. Best regards!

The value of the ChatGPT is that it is improved search. Still nothing creative that I can see.

It simply takes existing information and pulls it.

Yes, yes, so very well said, that's how I feel about it as well! It is simply a quantitative compilation software which does not necessarily improves one's knowledge but can potentially confuse the respective user trying to search more for a topic. It is definitely a very bad solution for personal or professional usage in these regards, at least before my eyes.

One former university colleague of mine showed it to me when it came out a year ago or so I think. I used it a bit along with him out of curiosity but was tremendously disappointed afterwards and decided to never use it again. It did not bring about sufficient quality information on the topics I requested it to give me insight into (and I know those very well). Plus some copied information from Wikipedia (which I also improve as much as I can as an established user with several years of constant edits by now). Best regards!

Improvements will accelerate now that every major tech company is engaged in it. We will find the prompts much better.

That is how tech goes.

Yes, indeed, I agree, this is howe technology moves forward with the vast majority of devices, hardware, and software. We will see how it will get improved in the near future. All the best!