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RE: Hive Target Audience And What Makes Hive Unique

in LeoFinance9 months ago

HIVE is great and unique because it is diverse and well established. As for the marketing aspect of it, it is quite complex. There could be many target groups of users because there are many communities with many users who are interested in many topics/subjects and economic activities. That's why HIVE has a great economic potential in the future. That coupled with its ongoing evolution, day by day. Thanks for writing and sharing this post! All the best, plenty of success, and keep up the good work on HIVE!


A lot of things can make it stand out.

Indeed, which is why HIVE is so great and I am very optimistic but also realistic when I say that it will continue to evolve well into 2024 and beyond. It has a lot of economic potential both through HIVE blog and through the affiliated platforms/communities. LeoFinance is a very good example in this regard. All the best!