Governments Expanding War as Business + Fact Checking on Google Bard's Censorship

in LeoFinance8 months ago

For the first time in my recollection there is a moment in history where the mainstream media, companies and celebrities are unable to safely default to a side and continue to make the world a messed up place with tyranny, oppression, lies and millions of deaths. Billions of sheep are forced to think of the nuances of war, government oppression, lies and corruption unable to go with the flow to support an all good party that can do no wrong.

When there is a bias to be found, the those calling for escalation and war seems to have an edge. Staying out of the conflict altogether seems to be the least popular option. People want to be engaged; but this time they are torn on which side to take. "Doing nothing" and minding one's own business seems to be the only loosing side.

War Brings The Worst of Cronyism

There are billions to be made in a war. Unlike other industries, war has this special property of spreading fear and a run towards safety. Politicians can use the moments to disregard the usual procedures and expand their powers. Politicians get easy narratives and expansion of power and the Military Industrial Complex gains record profits (with some of them going to finance the campaigns and lifestyle of politicians).

Fact Checking Google Bard Censorship

I'm not stupid enough to use some Large Language Model to do factual report on a sensitive topic. It is going to hallucinate some answers or have distorted version as an answer that is offered by the multi billion dollar Big Tech company that is working with the government. There is absolutely no reason to assume that what was discovered in Twitter Files is not the norm among Big Tech. AI are better off for creative tasks or working with already solved problems with standard answers (such as programming).

I missed out on all the news about how Google Bard was committing rampant censorship on the one conflict that does not have a clear "Good vs Bad" narrative established. There are many reports such as this one and I was not willing to simply accept these statements when I have the ability to verify them. Doing your own research is the real fact check. I expect most of you to have multiple Google accounts. You can verify these statements on your own and witness the manipulation through your own eyes.

Start With A Simple Question

I don't know what is being attempted here. It could be Google making sure their "AI" does not answer questions relate to Israel or Palestine. A more cynical read of the situation would be that Google is trying to erase history and/or increase tension between Jewish and Muslim communities.

Google Loves to Cover for Terrorists

Imagine removing the most well known detail about a word from the description on the said word. This is an attempt to revise history. This is 1984 territory.

Tripping on Language While Revising History

I don't know why the LLM suddenly started responding in Turkish. I am no accessing Bard through the territory and I don't have anything related to Turkish on my browser. Google may have introduces some bugs in their attempts of historical revisionism.

A Series of Refusals

A Test on Japan

The censorship and manipulations are focused on the two countries involved in the conflict. I did not delve deep into testing on other countries that are indirectly related to the conflict. The answers are normal for both Muslims and Jews when a country unrelated to the conflict is brought to the picture.

How to Mitigate Censorship (for Now)

This technique has limited applications and it will not undo the lobotomies performed on Bard. I even saw for a moment Bard coming up with an answer only to see it suddenly disappear and present a refusal to answer. We still have few tools that can prompt the "AI" to give a normal answer.

I tested this out and it works for now. Mixing up letters (and possibly symbols) in place for the correct spelling can be a prompting tip to keep in mind for future use case. I don't expect the trick to last forever.

Even the tech stocks will have a hard time in the coming recession. Cronies are going to be desperate to do find something to generate predictable profits for them. Leading nations to kill off each other funded by the tax dollars and guaranteed profitability for Military Industrial Complex is a path desired by many world leaders. I would put post politicians in the list of war mongering scoundrels.

Be Aware! Be Careful! Do What You Can Do for Peace!

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