Immolation Airdrop, Rental Market, Long Term Vision and Building in The Bear Market

in LeoFinance8 months ago

I like the things that continue to give positive results over a long period of time. Purchasing Booster Packs from @splinterlands has been one of them. Like a great tree that produce food and other resources, my investments in @splinterlands are paying dividends in many forms. Let us make a small list:

  • Airdropped Cards
  • SPS Airdrop + Staking Rewards
  • GLX Airdrop + Staking Rewards

There are all a result of purchasing Booster Packs. Since staking require some manual maintenance, we could even consider Card Rentals among the @splinterlands dividends. I must add the fact that my Cards resisted bear market better than any assets I HODL. We are far from the days where $CUB and $POLYCUB were worth several dollars. I wish to see those days again. It is a journey that will have happen after we have more users on @leofinance ready to be onboarded to DeFi.

Immolation is Here

This is the 5th time I'm being paid dividends for investing in Riftwatchers Gems. I have not bought anything in a long time. I bought 765 Booster Packs and I'm happy to have made that move. Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that in the coming Rebellion Presale. I will have to miss out on the perks of being early. The Airdrop system was changed to reduce Cards and Packs being dumped on the market by arbitrage sellers who buy in bulk. Riftwatchers and Soulkeep will most likely be the last time we experience the buy at Presale and get rewarded for months.

Above Average Luck

I was guaranteed 2 Cards and there were 215 extra Booster Packs on top of it. More than 3 Immolation Cards is a good Airdrop IMO. Some players must have had a far better time. Other could be complaining about their disappointing outcomes. As long as you stick around @splinterlands, you can come across more way to try your luck. Even if you have some of the worst luck in the world, keep in mind that there is a massive room left for us to grow into. Outperforming S&P 500 should not be a difficult Task.

Rent The Unused Cards

There is no good reason to keep the Cards doing nothing unless you are planning on active trading or using in Praetoria. Newer Editions do not have high Production Points. It will be very inefficient to use Riftwatchers on Land 1.5 if unless you have a accumulated a large portfolio of Cards + DEC.

When I checked my Collection, there wasn't even a market price available, I don't know if I was extremely early or if some API was being delayed. I had 4 Cards and not enough to buy 2 more to reach Level 5. By the time I combined 3 of them, the prices become available.

@peakmonsters has the best interface I have seen to manage @splinterlands assets. Go to the website and login with Keychain or any other methods of your choosing. Keep in mind that not all DAPPs are generous with offering this many login options.

I had 1 Immolation Card and another Sea Wreck Card sitting around. I added both of them to the Rental Market. Since I wasn't Listing in bulk, I opted for sticking to the official market UI.

Long Term Vision

"Rome wasn't built in a day" is a subpar analogy for cryptosphere. It is better to say that a forest cannot be planted in a day. Unlike traditional projects, decentralized projects are very good at resisting control. Take a look at all the forks. HIVE is one of the few cases where the fork thrived even eclipsing the founders. Once enough infrastructure + community is built, crypto projects take a life of their own.

@splinterlands is one of the best examples of this. It is a game that is built on infrastructure that was built as an application specific blockchain made for social media DAPPs in 2016. Yet a game was built on it and it become the #1 DAPP in the entire world for some time. An abandoned city falls to ruin. An abandoned jungle take a life of its own. Even Terra (LUNA) has a higher marketcap than HIVE. TerraClassicUSD (USTC) is ranked higher than HIVE.

A community can irrationally add massive valuations to a project. We have seen many bubbles over the course of history. We have seen WeWork, FTX, Theranos and many more things. I have to come to realize that markets don't reward the good; It punish the bad (eventually) That is what happened with the poorly and stupidly designed decentralized stablecoin UST.

HIVE Built in Bear Market

I have repeatedly heard @khaleelkazi talk about how bear market is for building. He has lived i accordance with his own words. This article will be published on the new rebranded website. Being able to get more tries at rolling a preferred Daily Focus is another small one.

These smalls things can add upto create bigger effects over time. If 1 Reroll cost 5 VOUCHERs and 10,000 players used the feature, that is 50K VOUCHERs burned everyday. It will take some time to reach there. When it does, it will be 18,250,000 VOUCHERs burned every year. As I mentioned yesterday, the target price for VOCUHERs is 20 cents. We many not reach the exact number. IMHO we could still reach at least 15 cents.

Above is the current Richlist taken from Splintercards website created by @tehox (definitely worth checking out for any serious investor). I know I am running optimistic scenarios and markets can be volatile and irrational. But there is one thing I have to insist on: Overlooking best case scenarios is as unwise as overlooking worst case scenarios.

Trade With A Full Spectrum of Possibilities in Mind

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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